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Outline of Activities 2018

Mailing Home: Who Was John Brown? Who Is Jim Crow? Who Are We?
ArtSeed 2018 Annual Outline of Activities Report


  • Board of Directors: Sabine Gysens, Chair, Outreach and Fundraising Committee (2015 – Present); Edna Arterberry, Bayview Hunters Point Community Liaison (2009 – Present); William Bicknell, Technology Consultant (1/13/17 – Present); Kevin Quan, Treasurer (2006 – Present); Josefa Vaughan, Secretary
  • Staff: Josefa Vaughan, Founder, Executive and Artistic Director, Lead Artist, Summer Intensive; Gino Paolo Bella, Outreach and Logistics Manager/Executive Assistant (2017 – Present); Jennifer Spencer, Office Assistant (3/2/17 – Present); Jacob Spies, (Teaching Artist 1/3/18 – Present); John Hammond, Studio Assistant/Apprentice; Trey Houston, Audio/Visual Program Consultant; Stacey Carter, Communications and Youth Council Adviser (2/2/18 – 6/30/18); Devin Kyle Marshall, Bookkeeper (8/30/15 – 7/31/18); Ninia Torrefiel, Bookkeeper (11/3/18 – Present), Pat Foley, Accountant (10/15/18 – Present)
  • Advisors & Consultants: Charles Boone; Joe Butler; Adam Frey; Tony Grant; Paul Griffin; Gabriela Hofmeyer; Malcolm McAfee; Kristina Nelson; John O’Grady; ARobin Ordin; Dave Parker; Paula Randall; Susan Rumsey (editor); Robert Stenson; Tatiana Tilly; Arwen & Heather Vaughan; Ann Wettrich; Allison Wyckoff; Elaine Meyers
  • Youth Council: Louisse Bella, Sara Carasso, Ami Liora, Paola Perez
  • Interns: Tess Solot-Kehl (Service Learning Program at Urban School of SF); Kasey Yu (Quest Project: Findings on the History and Severity of Need in Arts Education); Shivani Shimpi (Quest Project: The lack of art funding in low-income schools); Diana Baszucki, Chloe Thomas, Natalie Monique Allport Toms, Valerie Yin-Wai Shum, Samarah Fletcher (Fine Arts Intensive interns); Shalamar Hi’ilani Boissoneau, Daniela Guizar, Natalia Perez, Elinam Abui Tamakloe (2/8/18 – 5/22/18): Technical and Professional Writing students from San Francisco State University who collaborated with ArtSeed for their writing project (ArtSeed guidelines and protocols, timeline/fact sheet, exhibition poster, exhibition opening and closing reception, exhibition brochure, grant proposal, and newsletter); Sara Carasso’s internship: Effects of Art as a Cathartic Experience for Individuals with Trauma (5/23/18 – 6/18/18) Supervised by Josefa Vaughan, Susan Bostrom-Wong and Ann Reesman.
  • Mentoring Artists and Apprentices: Jacob Spies mentoring Veteran Dale Christine Smith (painting); Josefa Vaughan mentoring Paola Perez and Judy Zhu (Painting); Edward Smalarz mentoring Linh Ha Kanh Nguyen (Painting); Pornpot Rodkroh, mentoring Revathy Sree Kanagarajan and Nahyun Kim (design).
  • Exhibiting Artists: Saint Brigid School students (Aimee, Olivia, Iris, Hanna, Samantha, Lorraine, Jackson, Nolan, Dylan, Anika, Eli, and Anna), San Francisco Montessori Academy students (Michelle, George, Anon, Nikhil, Jordan, Penny, Laura, Beatrice, Maya, and Aarya), Patrons of Anza Branch Library led by Colleen McDonald-Smalarz, Diana Baszucki, Morocco Battle, Sophia Bayson, Louisse Bella, Olivia Bella, Pamela Blotner, Charles Boone, Derek Boshier, Max Bui, Ma’Kayla Coats, Matthew Coats, Pamela Djerassi, William Everitt, Samarah Fletcher, Claudia Grubler, Marc Ellen Hamel, John Hammond, Heidi Hardin, Mark Harris, Rachel Hecker, Caitlin Heery, Conn Heery, Trey Houston, Revathy Sree Kanagarajan, Khelaiyo Kiyoi, Susanna Kohn, Marissa Kunz, Jessica Kwan, Selina Lee, Caroline Liddell, Andrew Little, Leslie Lopez, Bryant Lui, Michael Ly, Sophia Ly, Raoul Martinez, Alicia Garay Medina, Ambar Miranda, Linh Ha Khanh Nguyen, Paola Perez, Shoshana Priel, Teddy Priel, Toby Priel, Lakshmi Rash, Ann Reesman, Renata Cauchon-Robles, Mark Rubtsov, Emma Rubtsova, William Scott, Clayton Sears, Alexandra Shalamova, Richard Shaw, Valerie Yin-Wai Shum, Leah Sieczkowski, Edward Smalarz, Dale Christine Smith, Jacob Spies, June Szydlik, Woody Szydlik, Chloe Thomas, Natalie Monique Allport Toms, Ehren Tool, Josefa Vaughan, Michelle Vignes, Nikki Vismara, Chris Watts
  • Other Volunteers and Participants: Julianne Burke, Aman Chheda, James Dailey (ArtSeed Alumus), Khanh Linh Diep, Corie Ernst, Mimi Geelani, Joseph La Rocca, Lynn Winter Gross, Kinsey Hart, Jason and Cathy Hong, Yu-Chu Hsiao, Tracey Kessler, Sarah Kohn, Brooke Laundon, Selina Lee, Lynn Lohr, Nachshon Lustig, Elizabeth Medrano, Laura Miller, James and Samantha Nieper, Andrea Pereira, Helen Quang, Renata Cauchon-Robles, Frank Schmidt, Kana Shinkawa, Elizabeth Stahl, Rachael Tobener, Millie Tovar, Isabelle Trujillo


  • Spring Intensive Teaching/Presenting Artists and Volunteers: Gino Paolo Bella, Alan Blackman, Stacey Carter, Linh Ha Khanh Nguyen, John Hammond, Ana Po, Wipada, “Pair” Rattanapun, Ann Reesman, Anita Smith-Christopher, Jacob Spies, Josefa Vaughan, Jia Zhu
  • Spring Intensive Students/Interns: Morocco Battle, Max Bui, Ma’Kayla Coats, Matthew Coats, Conn Heery, Caitlin Heery, Paola Perez
  • Summer Intensive Teaching and Presenting Artists: Gino Paolo Bella, William Bicknell, Charles Boone, Stacey Carter, Marc Ellen Hamel, Heidi Hardin, Mark Harris, Trey Houston, Titania Kumeh, Jessica Kwan, Bryant Lui, Robert Maldon, Malcolm McAfee, Raoul Martinez, Ann Reesman, Ezra Ruli, Jennifer Spencer, Jacob Spies, Josefa Vaughan, Nikki Vismara, Chris Watts
  • Summer Intensive Students/Interns: Diana Baszucki (Intern from Lick Wilmerding), Morocco Battle, Sophia Bayson, Olivia Bella, Max Bui, William Everitt, Samarah Fletcher (Intern from University of Sydney), Caitlin Heery, Conn Heery, Khelaiyo Kiyoi, Andrew Little, Michael Ly, Sophia Ly, Alicia Garay Medina, Ambar Miranda, Shoshana Priel, Teddy Priel, Toby Priel, Lakshmi Rash, Mark Rubtsov, Emma Rubtsova, Clayton Sears, Valerie Yin-Wai Shum (Intern from University of Sydney), June Szydlik, Chloe Thomas (Intern from Ruth Asawa School of the Arts), Natalie Monique Allport Toms (Intern from University of Sydney)
  • Summer Intensive Parents and Other Volunteers: Oscar Arteta, Moon Anissa Battle (Morocco), Claudia Grubler, John Hammond, Revathy Sree Kanagarajan, Richard and Pamela Ly (Sophia, Michael), Anita Smith-Christopher (Max Bui), Michael Yip (Intensive Alum)
  • Art-at-thon Attendees: 133 total (43 youth and children)
  • Art-a-thon Razoo Fundraisers: Gino Paolo Bella, Louisse and Olivia Bella, William Bicknell, Stacey Carter, Sabine Gysens, John Hammond, Annika Houston, Marissa Kunz, Paula Kwan, Linh Ha Kanh Nguyen, Luned Palmer, Paola Perez, Ann Reesman, John Scheib, Jennifer Spencer, Jacob Spies, Velvet Van Bueren, Josefa Vaughan, Yi Zheng
  • Art-a-thon Musicians & Performers: Malachi Chou-Green, Sebastian Alexander Johnson, Max Cominos, Jackson Carekhoffer, Timothy Flex, Bill Klingelhoffer & Linda Robertshaw, Jan Van Buyten, Clifford Myers, Robert Bassinette, Kevin Bertness
  • Art-a-thon Volunteers: Myriam Abramovici, Liora Ami, Edna Arterberry, Gino, Oliva & Louisse Bella, William Bicknell, Susan Bostrom-Wong, Sara Carasso, Stacey Carter, Claudia Grubler, Sabine Gysens, John Hammond, Trey, Chizu & Annika Houston, Karen Kelley, Marissa Kunz, Caroline Liddell, Raoul Martinez, Malcolm McAfee, Quinn McSherry, Jeremy Menzies, Plyfa Murphy, Panmai Murphy, Monchaya Murphy, Tawan Suwanamelik-Murphy, Linh Ha Kanh Nguyen, Ana Po, Ann Reesman, John Scheib, Leslie Schwager, William Scott, Anita Smith-Christopher, Jennifer Spencer, Jacob Spies, Catherine Sun, Velvet Van Bueren, Josefa Vaughan, Chris Webber, Michael Yip, Yi Zheng, Jia Zhu, Zoe Zhu, Maximilien Volckaert


  • Labyrinth ArtGroup (weekly life drawing workshop for women, open ArtSeed membership)
  • Saint Brigid School (weekly class)
  • San Francisco Montessori Academy (weekly class)
  • Tides Inc. / Tides Converge (office rental since 2005, added 2nd office, permanent art installations)
  • Presidio Trust (ArtSeed events in the park)
  • The Point Studios at Hunters Point Shipyard (studio rental since 1999)
  • CA Lawyers for the Arts (Spotlight on the Arts Internship Program)
  • Park Presidio United Methodist Church (ArtSeed Labyrinth studio space rental)
  • Ardicare Community Self-Care Demonstration Program (Creativity & Trauma Staff Development)
  • Waypoint Wealth Partners, Annette Brinton (ArtSeed Investments Advisor)
  • Think Round, Heidi Hardin (exhibition, field trip and workshop venue)
  • Partnerships for Change, Jacqueline Miller (2nd office sublease)
  • ArtSpan and Shipyard Trust for the Arts (Spring and Fall Open Studios)
  • Peaceful World Foundation, Heidi Majano, Program Director (Conversations at Cafe RX)
  • Hamilton Families, Zoe Poynor, Housing specialist (Summer Intensive scholarship referrals)
  • SF Department of Veteran Affairs art group meetings with Ann Reesman, Veteran’s Building, Dan Evenhouse, coordinator and Director of Community Based Programming Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center (PRRC)
  • Boys and Girls Club, (ArtSpan Fall Open Studio Weekend Exhibition at Hunters Point Shipyard)


  • Mailing Home: Who Was John Brown? Who Is Jim Crow? Who Are We? ArtSeed’s Annual Year-End Exhibition Josefa Vaughan, Sabine Gysens co-curators, Seed and China Brotsky Galleries, Thoreau Center for Sustainability, Presidio, San Francisco, September 6 – October 6, 2018.
  • Spring Open Studios, Selected work and work-in-progress from schools, studio educational programs, and Art-a-thon remnants displayed alongside art by ArtSeed artists, Hunters Point Shipyard, Bldg 101, Studio #2513. April 21–22, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Fall Open Studios, Highlights of selected works from ArtSeed’s spring and summer programs, educational programs and other related workshops, Hunters Point Shipyard, Bldg 101, Studio #2513. October 20–21, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. Youth Open Studios, 2nd floor gallery, exhibition and activity table.
    • Total of 206 visitors/signatures, 150 new contacts.
  • Art Rocks ArtSeed Open House, 480 Green St, San Francisco,10/13/18.
  • Tenth Annual ArtSeed Earth Day Art-a-thon, Artists of all ages and levels of experience came together in a 10-hour art-and-music-making marathon to bring ArtSeed opportunities to more underserved students. Works for sale were displayed at Open Studios. Location: The Presidio’s Thoreau Center for Sustainability. April 21, 2018, 10 a.m. – 8 p.m (133 attendees).
  • Peculiar Institutions, ArtSeed exhibition that touches on the evolution of slavery and its various manifestations. Think Round Fine Arts Studio, May 19 – June 30, 2018.
  • Holiday Party and Art Show, Hunters Point Shipyard, Bldg 101. December 2, 2018.


  • ArtSeed Labyrinth Studios:
    Drop-in Sundays, 1–3 p.m.: Studio space, art supplies, equipment use, and professional development for volunteers, students and artists; classroom art project coaching for artists and teachers; donation-based art instruction and portfolio building; fieldtrip venue for groups of all ages.
    Apprenticeship Sessions (or instruction by appointment): Wednesdays, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
    Public School Holidays All-Day Open House: January 15 (Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday); February 16 (Lunar New Year); February 19 (President’s Day); March 30 (Cesar Chavez Day); May 28 (Memorial Day); September 3 (Labor Day); October 8 (Indigenous People’s Day); November 12 (Veteran’s Day). 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (Staff Development / Volunteer Orientation, 10am-2pm)
    ArtSeed Fine Arts Spring Intensive: (9 a.m. – 5 p.m. weekdays March 26–30) 7 students, 12 adults (Teaching Artists-in-training and Staff development)
    ArtSeed Fine Arts Summer Intensive: (9 a.m. – 5 p.m. weekdays June 18–22; July 16–20) Individual portfolio and collaborative project-building, seminar-style workshop for teaching artists, guest presenters and adult volunteers culminating in an exhibition. Students 10–18 years old, (or younger after an interview) may apply. Sliding scale tuition: $400/wk, scholarships total: $7,425 ($6,975 paid); 26 students and interns, 21 teaching artists, presenters, and staff; 8 volunteers (age ratio – children/youth participants: 23; adult participants: 32). Website link:
    Special Reiki Sessions with Mima Geelani, arts for trauma deduction (3/14/18)
  • Saint Brigid School: K-8th grade, Josefa Vaughan and Associate Teaching Artists: Edward Smalarz, Judy Zhu, Pronpot Rodkroh, Gino Bella, Ann Reesman, Linh Ha Kanh Nguyen.
    • Spring, 2/26/18 – 4/30/18 for 12 classes (14 students).
    • Fall, 11/5/18 – 5/27/19 for 20 classes (14 students).
  • Montessori Academy: Teaching Artist Jacob Spies (start date 2/22/18), Thursdays 4 – 5 p.m.
    • 17 Students, Spring +13 new students, Fall.
  • Muscat Scholars Program Weekend with ArtSeed: at ArtSeed’s Tides Converge offices and Labyrinth Studios. 12 students who were the first in their families to attend college were coordinated by Jordan Sandoval and Bianca Delgado through University of San Francisco. They made post-ready ArtSeed’s exhibition mailer, discussed slavery, and participated in a Collaborative Interpretative Map of Africa for display in ArtSeed’s Annual Exhibition. (8/11/18 – 8/12/18)
  • Presidio Holiday Lights, Presidio YMCA, ArtSeed Community Greeting Cards activity table (12/7/18).
  • Board Match, Hilton Hotel, Union Square, SF, with Gino Bella, Josefa, Bill Bicknell (3/8/18).
  • Summer Resource Fair, County Fair Bldg, Golden Gate Park, sponsored by the SF Department of Children, Youth, and their Families (3/10/18).
  • Children Toy and Book Festival, City Hall, outreach gifts, John Hammond, Gino Bella (12/5/18).
  • Anza Branch Community Mural visits by Jacob Spies who helped with the artwork. Josefa Vaughan met with participants and Youth Services Librarian Colleen McDonald-Smalarz. (8/14/18).
  • Presidio Teacher’s Night, ArtSeed Presentation & Activity Table, Officer’s Club, Presidio. Attended by Gino, Louisse and Olivia Bella, Trey and Annika Houston, Jennifer Spencer (9/25/18).
  • Presidio meeting at Sports Basement with Jacob Spies, Sara Carasso and Gino Bella; Rachel Leung – community marketing coordinator for Sports Basement (10/18/18).
  • SF Middle School Maker Faire, Presidio Middle School, Artist Trading Cards with Jacob Spies, John Hammond and Gino Bella (4/15/18).


  • “Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope” Documentary film screening hosted by Community Self-care Demonstration Program, Opera Plaza Theater, attended by Josefa Vaughan, Gino Paolo Bella, Paola Perez and family (1/31/18).
  • “Leading Through Connection” Brown Bag Session, Tides Converge, attended by Josefa, Jacob and Jennifer (2/15/18).
  • “Art, Social Justice and Soul Making” Susan Bostrom-Wong seminar, C.G. Jung Institute of SF, attended by Sara Carasso, Liora Ami, Paola Perez, Linh Nguyen, Ann Reesman and Josefa Vaughan (2/11/18).
  • “The Square” Ruben Östlund screening, de Young Museum, attended by Jacob Spies, Stacey Carter and Josefa Vaughan (2/17/18).
  • Family ArtBash at the Contemporary Jewish Museum attended by Gino, Louisse and Olivia Bella (3/18/18).
  • March of our Lives! attended by Josefa Vaughan and Heidi Hardin (3/24/18).
  • “I on Art,” Year 2, Veteran’s Administration exhibition of veteran artists by ArtSeed Artist
    Ann Reesman. (5/7/18 – 5/25/18).
  • Community Self-Care Demonstration Program, ACEs Study Staff Development began April 5, attended by Josefa Vaughan, Trey Houston, and Gabriella Hofmeyer (graduation 5/17/18).
  • Memorial for Ann Reesman held at the Veterans Building attended by ArtSeed board, staff and Labyrinth Studio friends (12/14/18).
  • Western Institute for Social Research (WISR) Workshops: “Contemplative Pedagogy: De-Biasing Educational Environments” with Law Professor Rhonda Magee and Center for Social-Spiritual Activism (CSSA) Founders Peter Gabel and Michael McAvoy, May 30; “Synchronicity, Flow, and Responsiveness Cycle” with Sky Nelson-Isaacs, July 12.
  • “The Rhohingya: On the Edge of Existence,” photographer Chris Beal presentation and exhibition, Human Rights Center, University of California School of Law, Berkeley, (10/9/18).


  • de Young Museum, Cult of the Machine exhibition, Weapons of Mass Seduction, John Brown paintings (Last Moments by Thomas Hovenden 1884 and The Trial by Horace Pippin 1942) main collection, 6/20/18
  • Tides Converge, Summer Intensive, 7/19/18
  • Walt Disney Museum, Summer Intensive, 7/19/18
  • Andy Goldsworthy Installations, Summer Intensive, 7/19/18
  • Officer’s Club Presidio History, Summer Intensive, 7/19/18
  • Think Round Fine Arts, Summer Intensive, 6/28/18
  • San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Summer Intensive, 6/28/18
  • Arlon Press with Morocco, Anisa and Josefa, 12/14/18
  • Richard Shaw Residence and Studio visit, Josefa, Gino, Judy, and Edward, 11/26/18
  • Legion of Honor, Josefa, Ann Reesman, Jacob Spies, 9/11/18


  • Website: 4,767 unique visitors viewed 13,089 pages from 1/1/18 – 12/31/18 (15 total posts)
  • Mass emails: (Constant Contact) 4,623 subscribers were sent 10 mass emails in 2018
  • Social Media: Facebook (339 followers), Twitter (3,199 followers), YouTube (11 subscribers), Pinterest (11 followers), Instagram (140 followers). Eventbrite and Funcheap.
  • Three postal mailers: Art-a-thon postcard, Year-End Exhibition, and Letter of Appeal (4,000+ letter recipients each) 525 individual pieces of mail sent containing handmade artwork for recipient.


  • New Staff: Jacob Spies (teaching artist SF Montessori Academy, January – present); Stacey Carter (logistics and archivist, January – August); Edward Smalarz (mentoring artist, October 2018 – June 2019); Ninia Torrefiel (bookkeeper November 2018 – August 2019); Pat Foley (990 preparation October – present)
  • Board Meetings: January 21, March 4, May 6, July 1, September 9, November 25
  • Volunteers Orientation/Staff Development Workshops: 1/15/18, 2/19/18, 5/28/18
  • Youth Council: President, Social Media Adviser: Sara Carasso; Vice President, Communication and Outreach Adviser: Liora Ami; Literary Arts and Editorial Director: Louisse Bella; Art Education Director: Paola Perez.
  • Art-a-thon Planning Meetings: 2/10–4/15; 9 Sundays at Labyrinth Studios or Tides.
  • Data Migration from Google Contacts to Excel: updates, clean-up, and research to help normalize all contacts in management database. Bill Bicknell, Jennifer Spencer, Gino Bella and Josefa Vaughan. Matt Boris consultant (9/14/17 – 3/7/19)
  • Total Annual Revenue: $61,939; Total Annual Expenses: $238,551 (Funds invested from sale of Cottage Artist Residency house provides means for expanded staff to meet programmatic transition’s assessment, archive organization, and capacity-building needs.)
  • Cultural Data Project (CDP) updates started for 2017, and top rating received from Guidestar online profile for 2017.


  • Donations of time/Volunteers: 5,000 hours (est.)
  • Tenth Annual Earth Day Art-a-thon: Total Donations: ticket sales, cash, checks and online gifts: $15,952; Expense: $7,191.26, Net: $8,760; Crowdfunding Report: $10,240 from 174 donors and
    19 fundraisers; Total In-Kind Donations: $2,045.

  • Annual Letter of Appeal Mailer: Total Income: $23,701; Expense: $5,849.81; Net: $17,851.19.
  • Saint Brigid Afterschool Classes: $7,000 for school year 2018–2019 (20 Monday classes in two sessions, 14 students each semester).
  • Website Donation Page (Network for Good): $4,504 (49 donors clicked to give).
  • California Arts Council Program Development, grant received: $1,000 to partially cover the Salesforce Administration Essentials for New Administrators Certification Training attended by ArtSeed Board member, William Bicknell. The training will immensely benefit the active project underway to normalize and convert all ArtSeed contacts from Google Contacts to Salesforce NPSP (non-profit success pack).
  • Sample Czar donation for Josefa Vaughan interview with Doug Lowell, $200.
  • Top Five, ArtSpan Jurors’ Pick List, SF Open Studios Exhibition at SOMArts, (collaborative puzzle)


  • ($10,000 to $19,999): The Cervin and Gavrich Family
  • ($1,000 to $4,999): Annette Brinton, California Arts Council, Tony & Caroline Grant, Samuel Losh, Lapsley Malcolm McAfee, Kevin Quan & Whitney Huang, Anonymous, Josefa Vaughan & Charles Boone
  • ($500 to $999): Pete Brannigan, Jennifer & Billy Schwartz, Connie Shanahan
  • ($100 to $499): Anonymous (7), Ravi Agarwal, Carol Barnes, Clara J Basile, Chris Bigelow & Livia Blankman, Linda R Bookman, Susan Bostrom-Wong, John Burke, Beau Casey, Michele Louise Chaboudy, Susan Chiddix, Judith Cohen, Lisa Coscino, Robert DeMaria, Jon Diamond, Chris Dunlap, Assia Eyuboglu, Krista Farey, Raj-Ann R Gill, Magda Grant, Paul Griffin, Tony & Caroline Grant, Nicole A Halbreiner, Cora Harless, Matt Heckert, Audrey Heller, Clifford Hengst, Kay Huettmann, Rose & Gabe Ireland, Fran & Bud Johns, Philip & Sally Kipper, Liviu Klein, William Klingelhoffer, Karl Kohn, Karl M Kunz, Marissa Kunz, Grace Lee, Daniel Leu, Donna Logan, Samuel Losh, Bryant Lui, Niall Lynch, Julia M McKeon, Julianne Mehegan, Wallace Mersereau, Cory Modlin, Paul Morgan, Samantha Razook Murphy, ARobin Orden, Thomas Palmer, Rosamund Palmer, Patricia Perez-Arce, Linda Quan, Robert Rathmell, Barbra Anne Richardson, Sheila Schwartz, Ritu Sharma, Saarika Sharma, Lindsey & Charles Shere, Laetitia Sonami, Bette L Spencer, Jennifer Spencer, Sample Czar, Anita Smith-Christopher, Anita Stokes, The Terzian Family & the Point at Hunters Point Shipyard, Tish Valva, Marsha G Torkelson, Thad Van Bueren & Donna Traycik, George & Mary Vaughan, Shelton Vaughan, Nikki Vismara, Chris Webber, Julie & Michael Whitcomb
  • ($99 or less): Anonymous (15), Leena Almuhtadi, Azi Amiri, Meghan Arnold, Edna Arterberry, Kathy & Alicia Balistreri, Jennifer Banzaca, Lauren Barr, Gerhard F Bedding, Katherine A Bedding, John Beech, Gino Bella, Uma Bhardwaj, Samuel Bibbens, William Bicknell, Christine A Bjorklund, Daphne Blumenthal, Andrea Bornstein, Derek Boshier, Susan Bostrom-Wong, Lewis Bowen, James Buskirk, China Brotsky & Daniel Roth, Stacey Carter, Russell H Carter, Theodore L Casey & Evagelia Spirakis, Hillary Casper, Elizabeth Charles, Lara N Charneco, Ronald Chase, Brian Chiko, Kaba Cisse, Michele Coker, Lori Collins, Beth Cook, Dorothy Cook, Jeanette Cool, Michael Cox, Trevor Curry, Linda Dever, Khanh Linh Diep, Betsy & Ivan Ditmars, Warren Dobney, Richard Drumn, Jean Ebbe, Larry Ebert, Allison Edwards, Rebecca A Endebrock, Lloydine Enmark, Cherie L Evans, Birgit M Finkbeiner, Mark A Fish, Dana, Ann & Guy Flores, Candace Forest, Alexandra Fraser, Diane and Jack Fulton, Marra Furman, Pamela Graham, John Goldman, Holly Gosselink, Sasha S Grant, Magda Grant, Sabine Gysens, Heidi Hardin, Debra S Harper, Jessica K Heidt, Yuko Hirama, Cathy & Steve Hong Hong, Linda M. Hope, Sanjay Hortikar, Trey & Chizu Houston, Nirmal Iyengar, Deborah Jacobstein, Byron Johnson, Robert Johnson, Manhal Jweinat, Natasha Kanhai, Thurston Kaslofsky, Kerstin Keifer, Simone Kennedy, Eugenia Kim, Isabell Klein, Dawna Knapp, Robert Kong, Suzanne Koppelman, Gabi Kula, Asok & Mary Agnes Kumar, Rebecca Kumar, Sara Kumar, Sue Laurita, Danielle R Levin, John Liang, Caroline Liddell, Elizabeth Losh, Linda & Kenneth Mann, Sharon Markowitz, Kira McKeown, Robert J Merck, Judith Modrak, Eva Marie Monroe, Shannon Murphy, Elisabeth Navone, Frank Nettleton, Linh Nguyen, Annelie Nilsson, Catie & Dennis O’Leary, Thomas J O’Leary, Michael S Orland, Paul Orselli, Sarah Palmer, Nelly Palmer, Krina Patel, Sarah Pater, Kala Perkins, Wendy Peterson, Kate Platt, Tyler Price, Peter Priel, Richard, Donna & Michelle Quan, Ann Reesman, Beebe Reisman, Joe B. Rodriguez, Michael & Sheila Rokeach, Elizabeth Rothwell, Nan T Rothwell, Marco Rubin & Florence Jones, Eva Rubtsova, Sally Ann Ryan, Joseph Saah, Rebecca Sadler, Daniel Sadler, Peter & Francky Sahmel, Amy Salgado, Jannah Salih, Darlene Saunders, John P Scheib, Andrew W Schwartz, Julia G Shaw, Shubha Shrestha, Noah Sloss, Edward & Colleen Smalarz, Brian Smith, Alan Smith, Anita Smith-Christopher, Brienne Spies, Adrianne N Steichen, Cynthia Stevens, Ute Stohner, Anita Stokes, Inez Storer, Margi Sullivan, Kina Sullivan, Jason & Monica Szydlik, Richard Tirtoprodjo, Lananh Tran, Meredith Tromble, Eileen Tuscano, Velvet Van Bueren, Arwen & Heather Vaughan, Cynthia B Wang, Dixie Waters, Clare M Watsky, Fiona Westphal, Ann Wettrich & John Roloff, Marina Wilson, Heather Lynn Wilson, Karsten Windt, Jill Winegardner, Rowan Wymark

PRO BONO / IN-KIND GIFTS (total: 23)

Artist & Craftsman Supply: Gift Card PLUS art supplies; Books Inc.: Gift Card; Charles Boone Art Collection; A Child’s Delight: Gift Certificate; Hand Touch Nail Care: Gift Certificate; Inn at the Presidio: One-night stay (for 2 adults); Photograph & Frame: Gift Certificate; Walnut Cleaners: Gift Certificate; Sorry I Broke Your Heart Hair Salon: Gift Card; Handmade Quilt: by Caroline Liddell; Jennifer Spencer: See’s Candies; Peanut Brittle and Assorted Chocolates; Sessions at the Presidio: Gift Cards; El Café: Claudia Grubler: Gift Cards; Causwells: Gift Card; Meifei – Clothing Design and Alteration: Gift Card; Green Apple Books: Gift Card; Brad Bergman bags; Cheap Pete’s: Gift Certificate; Café RX: Gift Certificate; La Mediterranee: Mini Sweets tray complimentary 30 pieces; Bette Spencer: donated home grown flowers; Jia Zhu: Art materials; Lily Kharazzi, Donated art supplies


“Dear Josefa, This is a quick note to let you know just how much Lakshmi loved the summer intensive at ArtSeed. I have never seen her so inspired before. She would come back each day and want to draw and paint and create things. I hope ArtSeed continues the program next year. We can’t wait to send her back for all three weeks. Please do let us know if drop ins on Sundays will continue. Both kids want to attend regularly. Much love and a big thank you!” Ranjani Ramakrishna

“Thank you for welcoming the volunteer to your studio. I am so happy that ArtSeed exists and allows people to express themselves.” Love, Colleen, June 9

“At the ArtSeed Art-a-thon, there were a variety of art activities that I could join anytime. There were watercolors typewriter, calligraphy, and so much more. There was plenty of food and a band playing music all the time. People were not limited to just one activity. They got to choose to make whatever they want.” Michael Yip, April

“I loved all the friendly faces that greeted me at the door and helped me whenever I needed it. I also loved the band!” Sara Carasso, 17, April

“My children have learned so much from ArtSeed! They all draw for fun now! They have gained confidence in their abilities and the teachers are so knowledgeable. What fun! Thank you!” Daphne Blumenthal, June 30

“Thank you Josefa for an incredible experience with ArtSeed. I will remember what I have learned for years to come, that I can pass along to others who might need insight into tapping into their childlike spirits.” Chris Watts, July 30

“Watching the participants, both young and old, not only making art, but talking about art and their own experiences was such an uplifting and enjoyable experience. Thank you for the opportunity to broaden my own imagination.” Jennifer Spencer, July 31

“Thank you for being such a mind-blowing inspiration and a wonderful teacher.” Chloe Thomas, July 31

“Dear Josefa: You are so passionate about art, so informed about your opinions, the motions of the world in so many perspectives. That is infectious and something that really inspires me to make up my mind, pick a side and own my decisions. … I love your drawings and sketches. They’re a dance and pulsing of words and a depiction of what it is to communicate and have a conversation on a page with a line.” Valerie Shum, July 31

“Hi Josefa, I interned at the summer intensive from June 18-22 and 25-29, during which I was incredibly inspired by everyone around me. It was such an amazing experience to be able to learn from artists of all ages and simultaneously help the kids grow their own artistic voices. I enjoyed working with the kids one-on-one and trying to understand how best to support them in their creative endeavors. One specific example I remember was during the mind mapping activity. I saw Khelaiyo start to shut down and look really upset, so I sat down next to him and started talking to him about the prompt. Eventually, he exploded with ideas about natural disasters, filling page after page with drawings. This moment really allowed me to see how effective art is at empowering everyone, no matter what age or background. Furthermore, it was lovely to see how I could help bring this empowerment to them. I loved seeing kids in an environment where their artistic voices were truly valued, especially for those kids coming from a life where art’s importance may not be emphasized.
I also gained a better sense of what it’s like to be an active part of an organization. When I first signed up to intern, I expected to be doing rather mindless tasks and being very guided through the process. After being at ArtSeed for a few days, I realized this would not be the case. While it was difficult to assume responsibilities I hadn’t expected, it also helped me grow a lot as a person. I tried to tackle each task with mindfulness and commitment to helping the entire program function to its full capabilities. I tried to be content with the uncertainty that came with my responsibilities and it was really rewarding to see things work out how they did. Thanks, Diana.” Diana Baszucki, October 6

“Thanks so much for the opportunity to participate in the summer intensive program – it is something I will treasure for a long time to come. I found participating as an Intern with ArtSeed to be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not having a huge amount of fine arts experience myself, it was a great opportunity to be challenged and put out of my comfort zone. Not only participating in the workshops but assisting the students in undertaking the activities and helping them to enjoy their time was a lot of fun and helped me to learn a lot about myself. Especially participating in activities such as Nikki’s gold leaf workshop or the T-shirt transfer afternoon, I found a sense of freedom that I have not experienced much in my intensive last four years of university. I also really enjoyed listening to the guest artist Jessica speak about her work with the puzzle she had created. Working with ArtSeed was a really unique and special opportunity which has not only taught me a lot about myself and given me a number of life skills but has also afforded me friends that I will treasure for a lifetime.
I have actually recently been accepted to a 6-month long exchange it UCLA so if I end up around the Bay Area at some point between January and June next year it would be lovely to catch up.
Hope you are doing well! Thanks so much, Samarah.” Samarah Fletcher, October 30
