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Click Here to Pledge/Sponsor a Dancer

ArtSeed’s Dance-A-Thon Fundraiser and Movement Education Project

What: Dance-A-Thon Fundraiser and Movement Education Project
When: April 29th, 10 am to Midnight (dance as much as you want)
Where: Presidio Dance Theater, San Francisco (they have bouncy floors!)

How You Can Participate:
Be a Lead Dancer:
Sign up to lead an educational session (up to one hour) in your particular dance style of expertise and share with us your philosophy of movement. We are seeking all kinds of dance leaders – anything from Tango to Tai Chi, Hiphop to Hula! You would demonstrate moves and techniques to a dance group of participants from a wide range of age and ability.
Be a Dance-A-Thoner: Sign up to dance as long as you can and raise money for a good cause. Collect pledges from friends and family to help ArtSeed raise money for its Studio Apprenticeship Program that creates yearlong partnerships between professional and aspiring artists. Print out the Pledge Sheet to help you track your sponsors.
Be a Volunteer: There are many ways to help.
Make a Donation: By mail, at the event or through paypal at:

Schedule of Events: (Subject to change)
10:00 Yoga with Lauren Braunstein
11:00 NY style Salsa with Larry Shao
12:00 Nepalese with Healing Goddess Eleanor Fong
1:00 Hip Hop with Enjoli Robinson
2:00 Butoh with Kenji Haioshi
3:00 Salsa with Joshua Saenz
4:00 Hip Hop presentation with Iequay Scott and Tracy Bartlow
5:00 Tai Chi, Chi Gong and Kung Fu with Justin Hoover
6:00 Indian Dance with Eva Soltice
7:00 Body Building poses with a champion body builder -Josefa Vaughan
8:00 Cretive Movement w/ Greacian Goeke
9:00 DJ
10:00 DJ
11:00 DJ
12pm closed

How to Register: Register yourself as a dancer or instructor by sending an email with “Register Me” as the subject line to with your:
· Name
· Mailing address
· Telephone #
· Email address
· Your role(s): Dancer, Lead Dancer (please describe style) or Volunteer

Please collect pledges on the form we will send you, or send your sponsors to this website to make a pledge.

Registration Fee: $5 paid at the door (cash or check payable to ArtSeed) will give you access to the entire day of dancing, dance instruction seminars, and light refreshments.
Collecting Pledges: Each dancer will ask family and friends to pledge 5 dollars per hour (or whatever they feel comfortable asking) for each hour that he or she dances, or to pledge a single flat donation of any amount. The dancer will collect their sponsor’s related information on the attached document and return it to ArtSeed via email (, fax, post, or by bringing it to the event. During the dance-a-thon, the dancer’s time will be clocked and ArtSeed will then redeem the pledges for the appropriate amount by sending your sponsors a description of your success.

Directions to the Presidio Dance Theater:
1158 Gorgas Street (at Marshall Rd)
in the San Francisco Presidio, Adjacent to Crissy Field
Click here for a map of the Presidio.

Directions by car: Take Lombard St towards the Golden Gate Bridge,
exit (on the left) at Presidio/Crissy Fields. At the first
intersection go left, and the Dance Theater is immediately on the

Directions by bus: Muni line # 43.

Prizes and Raffle: There will be prizes awarded for Best Dance Costume, Best Dancer, Best Fundraiser, and Most Hours Danced. There will be a raffle for fun and more prizes!

Please print out the flier for this event and pass it along to Interested Friends and Family!
