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Who we are

ArtSeed’s mission is to connect the most resourceful & gifted with the youngest & most vulnerable citizens of the Bay Area & beyond through projects that explore links between classical & cutting-edge fine arts disciplines.

ArtSeed works with the notion that youngsters are vastly capable beyond what their early years might suggest. Treated with dignity and respect, they are offered ideas and materials that challenge them to understand and embrace the many rich possibilities that lie ahead of them.

ArtSeed Annual Letter of Appeal

Dear ArtSeed Friend,

Thanks for being with us as we celebrate our 20th anniversary. Our team of children, artists, and volunteers has been painting oil portraits at various pop up locations. The Peaceful World Foundation sponsored this portrayal of an historic number (131!) of Congresswomen now in office. Juxtaposed with these lawmakers’ faces are images of missing women whose cases are finally being investigated. Come to pay tribute or memorialize someone with us!

ArtSeed Apprentice, Kyle, painting a portrait of a congresswoman on ArtSeed’s Keystone Collaborative canvas
Top Let to right: Bryant Lui, Josefa Vaughan, Noah Gavrich, Sabine Gysens, and Annika (bottom)

Returning ArtSeed alumni such as Bryant Lui, armed with arts-related higher learning, have helped to develop younger minds with Summer Intensive lessons where their art-making grew into a large annual exhibition. Their brain-storming has grown into new partnerships addressing next year’s theme of climate change. Noah Gavrich is teaching 40-plus new ArtSeed students who are afterschool children at Booker T. Washington Community Service Center while reviving ArtSeed’s Studio Residency Program at Hunters Point Shipyard. An individual annual donation from a supporter like you makes it possible for ArtSeed to continue our resolve to never turn anyone away for lack of funds. Take a peek at these photos to get a hint at what we’ve done! Magnify the image below to find the classmate photographers’ reflection. Build ArtSeed’s Legacy Society and help create a sustainable future with your planned gift.

Click to enlarge: Trey Houston, In Each Other’s Eyes, Reflecting Portraits of Summer Intensive Students

These collaborations, events and meaningful individual connections happen as a result of contributions, both great and small, by our large community of patrons. We invite you to join us as we begin to celebrate our big anniversary. Also, please check out our website regularly for further news and updates. It’s easy to click on the “Donate Now” button and the “Volunteer” button. Receive a nifty hand-made surprise, special invitations, and our heartiest thanks in return for your help as we complete our second decade!  

– Josefa Vaughan, ArtSeed Founder and Executive Director


“As a beginning volunteer I appreciate the unique opportunity to paint a Congress woman with your instruction and experience. ArtSeed has provided an expanded perspective I could not have imagined. Thank you!” – Margaret Stark-Roberts, August 9, 2019

“I am so grateful for your welcoming open arms. We love ArtSeed to the moon and back!” – Chlöe Thomas, July 12, 2019

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Thank you for your support!

As ArtSeed’s 19th year comes to a close, please reflect on how art has made an impact on your community. Provide feedback or time and have a chance to win great prizes! (Including rock climbing & bowling passes, a stay at the Inn at the Presidio and a concert at Sam Mazza Castle)

Fall Open Studios at the Shipyard

Year-end Exhibition at Tides Converge

Fine Arts Summer Intensive

Annual All-Day Art-making Fundraiser
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ArtSeed Opportunities


Volunteer and Staff Development Workshop on Presidents Day, Monday, February 18, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m: Let’s build on what we have accomplished during the MLK day workshop. Everyone is welcome to join and be part of ArtSeed’s core group of artists and volunteers for 2019. Lunch provided. RSVP. Location: Labyrinth Studios, 4301 Geary Boulevard at 7th Avenue, San Francisco.

We are now accepting applications for ArtSeed’s 2019 Spring and Summer Fine Arts Intensive: Apply now! Led by experienced artist-teachers and distinguished guest artists, highly motivated children and youth learn experimental and traditional fine arts skills using different art media. You can check out our flyer and view Flickr photos from last year’s Intensives. Interested artists and volunteers can join too. For inquiries, call Josefa 415-656-9849 or Gino 612-978-3511.

Art-a-thon Planning Meetings: Come share your ideas and learn how to be an Art-a-thoner. Help plan ArtSeed’s 11th Earth Week Art-a-thon Fundraiser on Saturday, April 27, 2019, at Presidio’s Tides Converge. Meeting Details: Sundays, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. beginning March 3. Labyrinth Studios, 4301 Geary Boulevard at 7th Avenue, San Francisco.

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Click here to view the Spanish Version (PDF)

Dear ArtSeed Friend!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, here are ten that begin to show recent months of ArtSeed’s exciting doings. The puzzles of youngsters’ daily experience have been addressed through art making: How do we put the pieces together to make sense of it all? And through what means? Cutting-edge techniques? Or maybe tried and true classical methods?

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Click to view ARTWORK FROM OUR YEAR-END EXHIBITION at Tides Converge in the Presidio: Mailing Home.

Click to view photos from the OPENING (September 6) and CLOSING RECEPTIONS (October 6) of our Year-End Exhibition.

Click here to find out more about ArtSeed’s 2018 FINE ARTS SUMMER INTENSIVE participants, volunteers, and their works. 

What Have We Done?

Artists, veterans, children, and disabled adults work with artists to grapple with tough subjects such as the evolution of slavery and its various contemporary manifestations and other challenges faced by democracies around the world.

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