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Outline of Activities 2017

Marching Home: Valor, Freedom, and Stewardship as Paths to Peace!
ArtSeed 2017 Annual Outline of Activities Report


  • Board of Directors: Sabine Gysens, Chair, Outreach and Fundraising Committee (2015 – Present); Edna Arterberry, Bayview Hunters Point Community Liaison (2009 – Present); Ben Berkley, Legal Counsel, Chair (2013 – 3/31/17)/Acting President (2014 – 2017); William Bicknell, Technology Consultant (1/13/17 – Present); Matthew Boriskin, President (2008 – 12/31/13) and Secretary (2014 – 12/31/16); Kevin Quan, Treasurer (2006 – Present); Barbra Richardson, Apprenticeship Liaison (2012 – 2017)
  • Staff: Josefa Vaughan, Founder, Executive and Artistic Director, Lead Artist, Summer Intensive; Gino Paolo Bella, Outreach and Logistics Manager (2017 – Present); Trey Houston, Audio/Visual Program Consultant; Jewli Judd, Studio Assistant (January to April); Devin Kyle Marshall, Bookkeeper (8/30/15 – 7/31/18); Jennifer Spencer, Office Assistant (3/2/17 – Present); Allerton Steel, Accountant (2006 – 2017)
  • Advisors & Consultants: Charles Boone; Joe Butler; Adam Frey; Tony Grant; Paul Griffin; Gabriela Hofmeyer; Malcolm McAfee; Kristina Nelson; John O’Grady; ARobin Ordin; Dave Parker; Paula Randall; Susan Rumsey; Robert Stenson; Eric Talbert; Anita Stokes; Tatiana Tilly; Arwen & Heather Vaughan; Ann Wettrich; Allison Wyckoff (10/30)
  • Youth Council: Louisse Bella, Sara Carasso, Ami Liora, Paola Perez
  • Interns: Joshua Schwartz and Michael Yip, California State University East (6/12 – 7/20); Natalia Baba and Zoe Zhu, California Spotlight on the Arts (6/19/17 – 8/27/17); Kasey Yu, Irvington High School (5 hours of guided experience for Quest Consultant Program)
  • Mentoring Artists and Apprentices: Dina Milovanov & Gino Bella mentoring Louisse Bella; Jacob Spies & Linh Ha Khanh Nguyen mentoring Veteran Dale Christine Smith; Josefa Vaughan and Ann Reesman mentoring Hazel Anderson, Jazmin Lopez, & Paola Perez; Stacey Carter & Kinnari Saraiya mentoring Morocco Battle &Tim Abeyta; Mervin Thompson & Ethan Kantor (stone carving); Ann Reesman & Chris Webber book illustration
  • Teaching/Presenting/Assisting Artists: Dina Milovanov, Ann Reesman, Frank Schmidt; Karen Slater, Jacob Spies, Mervin Thompson
  • Exhibiting Artists: Saint Brigid and San Francisco Montessori Academy students, Quinta Addis, Hazel Anderson, Louisse Bella, Susan Bostrom-Wong, Stacey Carter, Matthew Coats, Claudia Grubler, Marc Ellen Hamel, John Hammond, Heidi Hardin, Trey Houston, Krista Kahl, Susanna Kohn, Angel Kubo, Jasmine Liang, Caroline Liddell, Jazmin Lopez, Bryant Lui, Brian Moore, Catie O’Leary, Paola Perez, Ann Reesman, Ana Rodriguez, Joshua Sam, Kinnari Saraiya, Joshua Schwartz, Courtney Sparks, Jacob Spies, Kina Sullivan, Mervin Thompson, Josefa Vaughan, Nikki Vismara, Patricia Warren, Nicolas Winstead
  • Other Volunteers and Participants: Jim Ales; Zoe Ciupitu; Paul Davies; Marc Eymard; Pamela Graham; Susan Fette (TLC Healing Arts for Foster Care Children, ArtSeed Labyrinth workshop 2/26/17); Kiera Griffith; Seph Hamilton; John Hammond; Heidi Hardin; Rebecca Haseltine; Naree Kae; Sasha Kerbel; Nahyun Kim, Jordan Kramer; Aislinn McCarthy; Molly McCrea; Danika McKenna; Heather Parker and Jaiden Parker; Craig Perry; Laura Podosyan; Madhura Raut; Anna Rodrigues; Leonardo Romano; Fiona & Marion Rosenblum; Ellen Rosenthal; Donna Taniguchi; Austen Tong; Richard Uchida; Jane Waxman (Tia); Danielle Wood; Elyssa Wortzman and Talya Glazer


  • Summer Intensive Teaching and Presenting Artists: Tim Abeyta, Gino Bella, Charles Boone, Stacey Carter, Marc Ellen Hamel, Heidi Hardin, Trey Houston, Amber Kourtney, Catie O’Leary, Ann Reesman, BeeBe Reisman, Ana Rodriguez, Bette Spencer, Jennifer Spencer, Mervin Thompson, Josefa Vaughan, Peter Veres, Nikki Vismara, Nicolas Winstead, Dorothy Yuki
  • Summer Intensive Students/Interns: Antonio Alfaro, Sofia Alfaro-Apolinar, Hazel Anderson, Juan Andres, Shylah Bailey, Morocco Battle, Louisse Bella, Olivia Bella, Erika Chin, Sophia Chin, Renee Gilfillan, Annika Houston, XueFei “Sophie” Li, Pascal Lockwood, Jazmin Lopez, Michael Ly, Sophia Ly, Paige Nanjo, Paolo Perez, Noii Shahid, Ruqaiyah Shahid, Lucas Woon; Joshua Schwartz and Michael Yip (California State University East); Natalia Baba and Zoe Zhu (California Spotlight on the Arts); Miles Meadows and Jade Kikuchi (ArtSeed Alumni)
  • Summer Intensive Parents and Other Volunteers: Sibilina Apolinar (Sofia & Antonio); Oscar Arteta; Anissa “Moon” Battle (Morocco); Raquel Garcia (Paola); Claudia Grubler; John Hammond; Tomi Houghen (Renee); Chizu Houston (Annika); April Leung (Noii & Ruqaiyah); Richard Ly & Pamela Lim (Jonny, Michael & Sophia); Malcolm McAfee; Teresita Roman (Juan); Sarah Villa (Pascal Lockwood)
  • Art-a-thon Razoo Fundraisers: Louisse & Olivia Bella, William Bicknell, Sabine Gysens (1st Place, 46 Donors, $2,475), John Hammond, Annika Houston, Jewli Judd (over $200 In-Kind Donations), Bryce Melvin, Luned Palmer (3rd Place, 23 Donors, $1,225), Paola Perez, Craig Perry, Susan Rumsey, Kinnari Saraiya, John Scheib, Courtney Sparks, Jennifer Spencer, Velvet Van Bueren, Josefa Vaughan (2nd Place, 13 Donors, $1,590), Nicolas Winstead
  • Art-a-thon Musicians & Performers: Ellen Rosenthal’s Band, Bruno Pelletier-Bacquaert Trio, Mike Balistrari, Raymond Coats, Patrick O’Malley Band
  • Art-a-thon Volunteers: Chizu Houston, Karen Kelley, Courtney Sparks (Set-up); Ann Reesman (Fish Printing & Mural station), Kimberly Whitney (Registration); Myriam Abramovici (Hat Sewing station); John Scheib (Wood Carving station), Jasmine Liang (Lego station); Claudia Grubler (Watercolor station); Pastor Caiti Hamilton (Stations of the Cross); Maximilien Volckaert (Sculpture station); Caroline Liddell (Collage stations); Malcolm McAfee (supervised children); Mac Balaz, Chris Chisnall, John Flynn, Adam Front, John Lancaster, Jr., David Lowe, Linn, Phyllis P., Suzanne R., Wayne R., Florentia Scott, Lynne Siracusa, Megan Stoddard, Alice W., Dennis Werkmeister (Taoist Tai Chi station); Katrina Bella, Gabriel Bella, Angela Pagulayan, Jacob Pagulayan, Joaquin Pagulayan, Paolo Pagulayan (Gino’s family); Matthew Do, Morena Escamilla, Winnie Law, Ike Maldonado, Helen Ngo, Kinh Ngo-Lee (SFFCU); Theresa Granucci, Amber Rosas (David’s Tea station); Oscar Arteta, Monique Albert Brown (Clean-up)


  • Labyrinth ArtGroup (weekly life drawing workshop for women, open ArtSeed membership)
  • Cartoon Art Museum (proposed collaborative arts education programming)
  • Swords to Plowshares (outreach presentations and individual projects with Veterans)
  • San Francisco Public Montessori School (Back-to-School Night)
  • Saint Brigid School (weekly class)
  • San Francisco Montessori Academy (weekly class)
  • Tides Inc. / Tides Converge (office rental since 2005 and permanent art installation)
  • Presidio Trust (ArtSeed events in the park)
  • The Point Studios at Hunters Point Shipyard (studio rental since 1999)
  • CA Lawyers for the Arts (Spotlight on the Arts Internship Program)
  • Park Presidio United Methodist Church, Pastor Caiti (ArtSeed Labyrinth studio space rental)
  • Ardicare, Diana Canant Community Self-Care Demonstration Program (ACEs Study Staff Development)
  • Waypoint Wealth Partners, Annette Brinton (ArtSeed Investments Advisor)
  • Shanti, Lily Tsen, Coordinator (ArtSeed workshop for women survivors of cancer)
  • Think Round, Heidi Hardin (exhibition, field trip and workshop venue)
  • Partnerships for Change, Jacqueline Miller (office sublease)
  • ArtSpan and Shipyard Trust for the Arts (Open Studios)
  • Peaceful World Foundation, Heidi Majano, Program Director (Conversations at Cafe RX)
  • TLC Child and Family Service, Foster Family & Adoption Services (referrals to ArtSeed workshop)
  • Leola Havard Early Education School, Raul E. Chavez, Site Coordinator (ArtSeed Apprenticeship Program site 2002-2015, school auditorium permanent art installation)
  • Boys and Girls Club, ArtSpan (Fall Open Studio Weekend at Hunters Point Shipyard)


  • Marching Home: Valor, Freedom, and Stewardship as Paths to Peace! Gino Bella, Sabine Gysens and Josefa Vaughan co-curated ArtSeed’s Annual Year-End Exhibition at the Seed Gallery and China Brotsky Gallery, Thoreau Center for Sustainability in the Presidio of San Francisco, Opening Reception June 8, 2017 and Closing Reception July 8, 2017.
  • Spring Open Studios, ArtSeed’s selected works from educational programs and the Art-a-thon were displayed alongside art by practicing artists at Bayview Hunters Point Shipyard, Bldg 101, Studio #2513 on April 22-23, 2017, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Fall Open Studios, Highlights of selected works from ArtSeed’s summer programs and mystery box give-aways at Hunters Point Shipyard, Bldg 101, Studio #2513 on October 14-15, 2017, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Being in Turbulent Times, Memorial solo exhibition on the late art historian and ArtSeed Founding Advisor, Leo Steinberg, at Think Round Fine Arts by ArtSeed founder, Josefa Vaughan. Opening Reception April 8, 2017 and Closing Reception April 29, 2017.
  • Ninth Annual ArtSeed Earth Day Art-a-thon, Artists of all ages and levels of experience gathered together in a 10-hour art-and-music-making marathon to bring ArtSeed opportunities to more underserved students. Works for sale were displayed at Open Studios. The Art-a-thon was held in The Presidio’s Thoreau Center for Sustainability on April 22, 2017, 10 a.m. – 8 p.m (137 attendees)
  • The Quickening Pollen, Composed and conducted by ArtSeed Advisor Charles Boone. Two lectures, sponsored by ArtSeed, led to the commission of the piece coordinated with the nonprofit Composers and Schools in Concert and performed by Lowell High School String Orchestra on April 6, 2017. Video footage by Charles “Trey” Houston:


  • ArtSeed Labyrinth Studios:
    Drop-in Sundays, 1–3 p.m.: Studio space, art supplies, equipment use, and professional development for volunteers, students and artists; classroom art project coaching for artists and teachers; donation-based art instruction and portfolio building; fieldtrip venue for groups of all ages.
    All-Day Workshops on Public School Holidays: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.: January 16 (Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday); January 27 (Lunar New Year); February 20 (President’s Day) Healing Arts Workshop, New participants: Bliss Tobin, daughter Lily Tobin and her friend Mien Kaufman, daughter of Holly Kaufman; March 31 (Cesar Chavez Day); May 29 (Memorial Day); September 4 (Labor Day); October 9 (Indigenous People’s ArtSeed Reorientation Day); November 10 (Veteran’s Day), November 20-27 ArtSeed Thanksgiving Week Retreat (letter of appeal mailing parties and children’s art workshops).
    ArtSeed Fine Arts Spring Intensive: (9 a.m. – 5 p.m. weekdays March 27–31) Staff development and new volunteer “practice” for Summer Intensive comprised of 5 students and 5 artists.
    ArtSeed Fine Arts Summer Intensive: (9 a.m. – 5 p.m. weekdays June 19–30 and July 17-21) Individual portfolio and collaborative project-building, seminar-style workshop for teaching artists, guest presenters and adult volunteers culminating in an exhibition. Students 10–18 years old, (or younger after an interview) may apply. Sliding scale tuition: $400/wk, (scholarships total: $10,190; $2,210 tuition paid); 29 students and interns; 22 teaching artists, presenters, and staff; 12 volunteers (age ratio – children/youth participants: 27; adult participants: 36). Website link:
    Healing Arts for Shanti: Thursdays, 2/8/17, 3/30/17, 4/27/17, 5/25/17, 6/22/17, contact: Lily Tsen.
    TLC Healing Arts for Foster Care Children: (2/26/17) contact: Michelle Traiman
    Nielsen Research Analyst Group ArtSeed Volunteer Day, 34 volunteers attended. (5/11/17)
  • Saint Brigid School: Afterschool art classes for K-8th grade, with Josefa Vaughan and Associate Teaching Artists: Gino Bella, Dina Milovanov, Ann Reesman. Spring (2/6/17 – 5/8/17) 17 students; Fall (10/16/17 – 12/17/17) 14 students.
  • San Francisco Montessori Academy weekly Pre-k art classes with Dina Milovanov, 12 students.
  • San Francisco Public Montessori School back to school night, directed art-making (8/30/17).
  • Children’s Toy and Book Festival, SF City Hall, artists’ outreach gifts given to families (12/20/17).
  • Presidio Holiday Lights, YMCA, ArtSeed artists’ directed card-making for families (12/8/17).
  • Presidio Teacher’s Night, Officer’s Club, Presidio, artists’ presentation & outreach gifts (9/19/17).
  • Board Match, ArtSeed Presentation & Activity Table at the Hilton Union Square, San Francisco (4/6/17).
  • Summer Resource Fair, sponsored by the SF Department of Children, Youth, and their Families at the County Fair Bldg, Golden Gate Park. Met Megan Anderson, Jasmine Liang, Nicolas Winstead and Carol Zhen (3/11/17).
  • SF Veterans Administration Community Partner Fair, ArtSeed Presentation & Activity Table. Met Ann Reesman and Dan Evenhouse (4/4/17).


  • Claudia Schmuckli Lecture, de Young Museum, attended by Josefa (1/26/17)
  • Circuit Youth Group Planning Meeting, (Rev Hubert Ivery), attended by Josefa (1/31/17)
  • Swords to Plowshares Meeting, ArtSeed presentation for Veterans, 13 attendees, (2/16/17)
  • Head Royce School Art Show, Marissa Kunz, art teacher, attended by Josefa (4/5/17)
  • Community Self-Care Demonstration Program (CSDP), ACEs Study Staff Development began 4/5/17 attended by Gabriella Hoffmeyer, Trey Houston, Josefa Vaughan (graduated 5/17/18)
  • Ace Recovery Evening, Ardicare with film, Marines Memorial Theater (9/23/17)
  • “Trauma Study,” Ardicare (CSDP), Staff Development Workshop, Burlingame, CA (10/7/17)
  • Spotlight for the Arts Presentation attended by Josefa Vaughan and Gino Bella (7/28/17)
  • “I on Art,” Veteran’s Administration exhibition of veteran artists by ArtSeed Artist Ann Reesman. Opening Reception (11/6/17)
  • “Persistence,” exhibition by ArtSeed artist Trey Houston. Opening reception (12/13/17)


  • Walt Disney Family Museum (6/21/17)
  • Tides Converge / formerly Thoreau Center for Sustainability (6/21/17)
  • Presidio Park Officer’s Club, Archeological Presentation, and Visitor’s Center (6/21/17)
  • Think Round Fine Arts, Peculiar Institutions ArtSeed exhibition with drawing workshop (6/28/17)
  • Shipyard Studios at The Point (6/28/17)
  • Fort Mason, Sophie Calle, Missing: Take Care of Yourself, Gallery 308, Rachel Monique, U.S. Army Chapel, and Voir la mer, Firehouse (7/19/17)
  • Asian Art Museum, Sumi Ink workshop (7/26/17)
  • Southern Exposure, featuring, Ethan Kantor’s artworks (8/8/17)
  • Veterans Administration Hospital, visit by staff and junior apprentice, Morocco, with delivery of art and remuneration for sale to senior apprentice patient (12/6/17)


  • Website: 4,767 unique visitors viewed; 14,680 pages from 1/1/17 – 12/31/17 (18 total posts)
  • Mass emails (Constant Contact) 4,172 subscribers were sent 18 mass emails in 2017
  • Social Media: Facebook (319 followers), Twitter (3,372 followers), YouTube (11 subscribers), Pinterest (7 followers), Instagram (126 followers)
  • Two postal mailers: Art-a-thon postcard and Letter of Appeal (est. 4,100 letter recipients each mailer)
  • Ninth Annual ArtSeed Earth Day Art-a-thon Publicity:
    • Online sites: Eventbrite, Funcheap, Sfstation, Events12, Eventful
    • Thoreau Center News and Calendars
  • Mailing Home Keystone Pilot: Mailed art to 40 Texas Senators. One response from Senator Bob Hall. Extra storyboards exhibited and sent as gifts to donors.
    Project photos:


  • New Staff: Gino Bella, Outreach and Logistics Manager (salaried position since Jan 1); Jennifer Spencer, Office Assistant (on contract since March 1); Jewli Judd, Studio Assistant (Jan-April)
  • New Board Member: Bill Bicknell (since August)
  • Board Meetings: January 22, February 18, March 26, May 7, July 2, September 10, November 5, December 10
  • Board, Staff and Volunteer retreat at Cavallo Point (2/18/17 – 2/19/17)
  • Staff Development / All-Day Workshop on Public School Holidays: 16 (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday); Feb. 20 (President’s Day); May 29 (Memorial Day); Sept 4 (Labor Day); October 9 (Indigenous People’s Day); Nov 11 (Veteran’s Day)
  • Youth Council: President, Social Media Adviser: Sara Carasso; Vice President, Communication and Outreach Adviser: Liora Ami; Literary Arts and Editorial Director: Louisse Bella; Art Education Director: Paola Perez. Other Youth attendees: Jazmine Lopez, Miles Meadows, Kimberly Hernandez. Adult attendees: Serena Chen, Jewli Judd, Tim Abeyta, Stacey Carter, Jim Ale. Meetings: Jan 11, April 12, Aug 9, Sept 10, Oct 1 & 8, Nov 5, Dec 10.
  • Art-a-thon and Summer Intensive Planning Meetings: 2/12 – 4/9, 7/16 (10 Sundays, Labyrinth)
  • iCloud to Google Contacts migration (1/21/17)
  • Data Migration from Google Contacts to Excel initiated: clean-up and updates started for management database. Bill Bicknell, Austen Tong, Jennifer Spencer, Gino Bella and Josefa Vaughan. Matt Boris consultant (9/14/17 – 3/7/19)
  • Art Ed Matters Round Table, Veteran’s Building, SFUSD and Michelle Holt
  • ArtSeed Holiday Celebration Volunteer Appreciation Party, hosted by Malcolm McAfee and Trey Houston at 30 Commonwealth, San Francisco, CA 94118 (12/17/17)
  • Cultural Data Project 2015 and 2016 submission by Kevin Quan, Josefa Vaughan, Jennifer Spencer and Gino Bella (12/21/17)
  • Acquired office extension at the Tides Center, room 215 (12/29/17)
  • Waypoint Wealth Partners Inc., Annette Brinton, contracted as Investment Advisor (7/10/17)
  • Opened Charles Schwab account (7/12/17)
  • Total annual revenue: $60,716; Total annual expense: $176,257
  • Cultural Data Project (CDP) updates completed for 2016 as well as for 2016 Guidestar online profile.


  • Donations of time/Volunteers: 3,601 hours (5,093 hours when staff volunteer hours included)
  • Ruth Asawa School of the Arts, portfolio / application accepted: Paola Perez, Apprentice
  • Ninth Annual Earth Day Art-a-thon:
  • Annual Letter of Appeal Mailer: Total Income: $23,995; Expense: $3,713.52; Net: $20,281.48
  • Saint Brigid Afterschool Classes: $3,000 for Spring and $3,075 for Fall
  • Website Donation Page (Network for Good): $2,745 (27 donors) for the year
  • Grants:
    • Sam Mazza Foundation, LOI approved 3/15/17, Grant approved 6/7/17, $10,000 awarded
    • Walter and Elise Haas Fund, LOI approved 4/20/17, denied 1/22/18
    • Peaceful World Foundation, LOI approved 3/3/17, denied 3/20/17
    • Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, LOI approved 3/6/17, denied 4/3/17
    • Department of Children, Youth and their Families, with Cartoon Art Museum, denied 11/4/17
    • San Francisco Federal Credit Union $500 awarded, 2/27/17
    • Cavallo Point overnight Board Retreat for 6, 24 meals, awarded Institute Rate: $6,169.93
  • Major Donors: The Cervin and Gavrich Family ; Sam Mazza Foundation ; Tony and Caroline Grant; Anonymous; Lapsley Malcolm McAfee; Kevin Quan & Whitney Huang; Josefa Vaughan & Charles Boone; San Francisco Federal Credit Union (Jenny Ngo-Lee), giveaway shirts, bags and volunteers for the 2017 Art-a-thon
  • ($100 to $499): Ravi Agarwal, Carol Barnes, Christopher Bigelow & Livia Blankman, Sherwood Bishop, Victor Bonfilio, Charles Boone, Pete Brannigan, Nathan Brennan, John Burke, Thomas R. Burke, Diana Canant, Chris Chisnall, Susan D. Commins, Foster & Margaret Cope, Jon Diamond, Krista Farey, Richard Felciano, Guy & Ann Flores, Erin I. Gallup, Raj-Ann R. Gill, Malcolm Gissen and Judith Cohen, Magda Grant, Sasha S. Grant, Tony Grant, Nicole A. Halbreiner, Marc Ellen Hamel, Audrey Heller, Kay Huettmann, Roger & Rosalima Ireland, Jeffrey W. Jeung, Frances Johns, Margaret M. Jordan, Ronald Karpowicz, Liz Keim, Sally A. Kipper, William L. Klingelhoffer, Karl Kohn, June Lee, Caroline Liddell, Janis Crystal Lipzin, Donna Logan, Samuel J. Losh, Sergio Maggi & Rebecca Triggs Maggi, Wallace Mersereau, Cory Modlin, Samantha R. Murphy, Elaine Myers, James & Jane Ivory Newman, Catherine O’Leary, ARobin Orden, Rosamund Palmer, Thomas Palmer, Linda Quan, Owen Rescher, Barbra A. Richardson, Kendall Riding, Aina B. Roberts, Pilar Rubin & Maria Rubin, Heather Schoell, Sheila Schwartz, William, Jennifer & Joshua Schwartz, Constance B. Shanahan, Thomas W. Smith, Bette Spencer, Savannah Anita Stokes, The Terzian Family & the Point at Hunters Point Shipyard, Patricia Valva, Velvet Van Bueren, Kathryn Vandyke, Arwen Vaughan, Russell Vaughan, Shelton Vaughan, Christopher Webber
  • ($99 or less): Jacqueline Adams, Monique Albert, Meghan Arnold, Joy Baker, Mike Balistreri, Jorge Barajas, Andrew Bateman, Alexandra Bayer, Anne T. Beazley, Gerhard F. Bedding, Gino Bella, William Bicknell, Anne Bluethenthal, Ann M. Bogan, Lewis Bowen, Alex Bringas, Louise China Brotsky & Daniel Roth, Jacob & Evelyn Brumleve, Nick Buchannan, Patricia Castaneda-Davis, Lara N. Charneco, Zoe Ciupitu, Melisa Coburn, Beth Cook, Dorothy Cook, Nikki Culpepper, Christine Curry, Michael Dalal, Mehul Dave, Lena De Kesel-Lams, Manjushree Deshpande, Betsy & Ivan Ditmars, Zoe Dunnington, Kelly Dwinells, Vladimir Dyrma, April Elkjer, Mary Epstein, Lisa Farmer, Mark A. Fish, Alexandra Fraser, Heather Freedman, Diane Fulton, Catherine M. Grieves, Paul Griffin, Claudia Grubler, Tomi (Amy) Hougen, Nirmal Iyengar, Deborah Jacobstein, Byron Johnson, Nicholas Jones, Jewli Judd, Simone Kennedy, Sue Kim, Ann King, John King, Nancy Koch, Suzanne Koppelman, Gabi Kula, David Kumar, Mary Agnes Kumar, Sara A. Kumar, Marissa Kunz, Carol Law, Brian Law, Michelle Lee, Narissa Lee, Kenneth, Noah, & Ikumi Leung, Ri-Xi Liang, Lynnell Lohr, Jennifer Lu, Justine Lucas, David Madrid, Shauna P. Maguire, Patrick Maley, Peter Mann, Barbara Maricle, Missy Martin, Gaurav Marwaha, Robert J. Merck, Jenn & Leo Miller, Kavya Mohankumar, Rik Myslewski & Marilyn Bancel, Rajiv Narayan, Nate, Ines Nikolovski, Kelsee M. Noggle, Andrew Noon, Tom O’Donnell, Thomas J. O’Leary, Raquel Misty Ongos, Michael Orland, Richard Ozer, Bina Patel, Krina Patel, Phyllis Peyron, Andrew Poli, Miles Portek, Richard Quan, Gary Rabkin, Kinnera Rao, Ann Reesman, Peter Rengstorff, Sarah Roos, Elizabeth Rothwell, Nan T. Rothwell, Marco Rubin and Florence Jones, Joseph Saah, Jordan Sach, Bekki Sadler, Daniel Sadler, Scott Samels, Arvind Saxena, Heather Schoell, Andrew W. Schwartz, Scott Schwartz, Denise Selleck, Betsy Shafer, Saarika Sharma, Lynne Siracusa, Jason Slate, Alan Smith, Allan Solidum, Courtney E. Sparks, Hollyanne Sparks, Jennifer Spencer, Cynthia Stevens, Ute Stohner, Margie Sullivan, Astrid Tallase, Richard Tirtoprodjo, Amy Ukena, Peter & Ruth Veres, Maximilien Volckaert, Priti Vora, Connor Wallace, Cynthia B. Wang, Dan Weiss, Jenni Welliver, Liana Wenger, Fiona Westphal, Ann Wettrich, Kim Whitney, Heather L. Wilson, Karsten Windt, Jill Winegardner, Nicolas Winstead, Abigail Wyant, Matt Yoho, Toyomi Yoshida, Kaliya Young


Judy Vaughn (drawing table, art materials)
Peter Veres (shelving and art supplies)
Jacob Spies (art materials)
Margi Sullivan (canvas)
Patricia Van Steenburge (printer)
Gino Bella (2 shelves, art materials, shirts for smocks)
Walt Disney Museum (tickets for field trip)
Artist and Craftsman Supply (Summer: 4/18/18)
Art-a-thon: A Child’s Delight, Aaron Brothers, Artist & Craftsman, Cumaica Coffee, David’s Tea, Giorgio’s Pizzeria, Green Apple Books, House of Bagels, Inn at the Presidio, Park Life, Thorough Bread and Pastry, Caroline Liddell (Handmade Quilt), Richmond Republic, Sessions at the Presidio Restaurant, San Francisco Credit Union (Bags & Tee-shirts), Starbucks (Letterman: coffee), Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA (classes), Terra Mia Ceramic Studio pass, Walnut Cleaners, Wee Scotty (sewing sessions).


“I began working with Josefa and ArtSeed in 2006, at the age of fifteen. Surveying the past ten years, I can retroactively trace a trajectory from then to where I sit now, as a practicing artist, writer, and educator (a phrase that still surprises). As a child, I wasn’t particularly interested in a career in the arts and never thought I’d make a living as a working artist. Rather, art making was an escape from the difficulties of growing up, a pursuit outside the pressures of being a kid in a world increasingly weighed down with responsibilities and practicalities. ArtSeed was a venue that allowed us teens to step out of the confusion and anxiety of high school and ask who we wanted to be in the world, what we wanted to do. Josefa guided our cadre of students in painting and visual art, wrangling twenty-sum rowdy teenagers to sit down for three hours once a week and have a different sort of discussion, one about materials, emotions light, music, activism. ArtSeed gave us permission to wonder and to question, encouraged us to challenge preconceived notions of the world and ourselves and take a broader look at collective development, whether in the classroom, the street, or our city as a whole. The San Francisco we see today is one ever more focused on a different sort of development, a city inhabited by outsiders who only think of business, tech, efficiency, numbers, dollar amounts. This is why ArtSeed and organizations like it are so important, declaiming that people still live here, that art, thought and dialogue are still as important as ever and what make this city the truly unique place it has always been.” Richard Max Gavrich, 8/28/17, ArtSeed 2007 Alumnus

“I used to be a shy, timid girl who wouldn’t talk to other people… I’ve come so far with ArtSeed in the 8 years since my mom found them. I now teach younger kids who are having trouble and help out as a Youth Council Member organizing ArtSeed improvement ideas.” Paola Perez, November 2017, ArtSeed Apprentice since 2014.

“Being at ArtSeed has improved my self-confidence and has helped me believe that I can do anything.” Sophia Chin
“You can find light even in the darkest of times. ‘Cause of ArtSeed, its grown my imagination like a flower.” Sophia Lumen
“If you want to be an artist, come to ArtSeed.” Aimee Mao
“ArtSeed has brought together kids of different ages, races, and nations into one family. ArtSeed is a time when we drop all the problems and struggles in our lives and just focus on art.” Anisha Hu
(Saint Brigid School students, November 13, 2017)

“When I first joined ArtSeed, I hated to be around people. They all seemed so irritating and annoying. Being forced to be around people, to understand their situation, has taught me to be patient with others and to hold in my anger. Talking with Josefa has taught me to look at things from a different perspective. Josefa listens to my ideas and my thoughts and encourages younger children. Although her lessons don’t really make sense when they are first taught, later on, you can really see the improvement in your art. ArtSeed has taught me how to face a problem head-on and to take responsibility for my mistakes.” Louisse Bella, August 8, 2017, ArtSeed Youth Council

“ArtSeed helped me learn artworks and have fun and make friends and Josefa helps me with the rest. I love ArtSeed and I wish I could stay working for ArtSeed until I’m a grown up and I won’t have to work anywhere else. I really like when Josefa says she likes my paper bags. I’m really happy I made new friends at another class and I’m really happy I’m here. ArtSeed changed me because before when I was younger I didn’t know how to do art and now ArtSeed taught me to do art. I really want ArtSeed to help me with what I did wrong and help me with artworks I did wrong by myself. I feel really happy and excited when I go to ArtSeed. I was a model and it was really fun to do a lot of stuff that take a lot of practice. I’m happy to see my friends at school, but I’m also happy to see my other friends. I can make ArtSeed nicer by gathering all the people who like to do art and try to meet each other and then try to call them and then get everyone to the Labyrinth and then get everyone to do the appreciation and why we were here. I really love being with ArtSeed.” Olivia Bella, August 8, 2017

“As an artist, ArtSeed’s Summer Intensive gave me an opportunity to interact and mentor children and adolescents of varying ages and abilities. It reminded me of how much I enjoy teaching. The interactions I experienced both with students and the other adults furthered my knowledge both in art and mentoring. I also enjoyed the field [t]rips. Ann Reesman, July 26, 2017

“El Summer estuvo fantástico mi hijo Juan Andres Cardona, aprendió mucho se ha motivado por el arte fue una semana llena de sorpresas personas agradables lugares por explorar y sueños alcanzados mil gracias por la oportunidad de participar Dios les bendiga un abrazo y muchos éxitos en su mission.”
“Summer was fantastic my son Juan Andres Cardona, learned a lot has been motivated by art was a week full of surprises people pleasant places to explore and dreams reached thousand Thank you for the opportunity to participate God bless you a hug and many successes in your mission.” Teresita de Jesus Roman Velez, July 24, 2017

“ArtSeed has ignited my passion for art again. I appreciated the knowledge of the staff. In addition, the bonus was meeting new friends. My love for art has grown. ArtSeed, thank you so much!” Shylah Bailey (age 13)

“I was super excited for my daughter to join the ArtSeed Summer Intensive. The mentorship my daughter received will last her a life time. As a parent, art lover and ArtSeed supporter I’m left with a feeling of gratitude for what this program has taught my daughter. She has been inspired. Her creativity has grown to a new level and her confidence has caught up. I encourage you to give, ArtSeed an opportunity to spark your creativity.” Sonya Bailey, Parent, July 25, 2017

“On June 27th, 2017 I taught a class for ArtSeed on Ikebana (Japanese flower arranging) during which the students were able to make their own floral arrangements. As another culture and language were discussed, the students were very receptive and responsive to learning a new way of arranging flowers, and were able to learn some Japanese words as well. The focus was on the student’s application rather than my arranging a display of flowers. Their free-style work was completely creative and unique using the materials that were supplied. It was gratifying that Josefa, the director, was capable of leading this diverse age group affirming the theory points, as well as being sensitive to each student’s special needs. It was a pleasure participating in ArtSeed. Bette Spencer.” July 26, 2017

“I teach the Italian method of direct stone carving; I came into the ‘summer intensive’ on short lead in time and we set up a banker [stone bench] and a larger piece of stone {it was a serious carving stone. ‘Limestone’, on many older San Francisco Buildings, not very soft} to show the kids the process of direct stone carving. I was ambivalent about teaching children at the intensive because I thought they would have to be taught the basics first, i.e. how to hold a hammer and a chisel. I was also concerned about autistic children and any others conflicted by challenges. I think I even put the earliest starting age at 14. But on my scheduled day and hour everyone in the ‘intensive’ came down the back stairs and if they wanted to carve we gave them a try. No one was turned down. We put respirators and safety glasses on them, I showed them one at a time how to hold a ‘point’ [the thumb goes over the top and the ‘point’ is held with the fingers’ and where and how to hit the stone; every one of them that tried was able to carve stone! which completely astounded me! There were some very small children out there and every one was able to carve stone. Now I’ll take any age, stone carving isn’t about age, it’s about something that kids have. And something that adults can have again.” Mervin Thompson, Architectural stone carver (studied with Silverio Paoli in Pietrasanta, Italy). 6/24/17
