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Activities 2002-2003

Coloring Sounds: Music, Visual Arts and Collaboration

ArtSeed Activities 2002-2003 Annual Report Outline


Volunteers- and consultants – Behind-the-scenes chain of mentorships:

  • Richard Mitchell, volunteer, sets up ArtSeed’s mailing list database, 8/19/02
  • Volunteer Roberto Gastelumendi (carpentry, modeling, rides, mentoring)
  • Joy Mukai, office management volunteer, enters ArtSeed’s mailing list data, 9/02
  • Carolina Humphrys, Catherine Bunn and Marissa Kunz develop brochure design; Clay Murphy designs business cards and postcards, 9/22/02- 2/28/03
  • Laura Kamian and Cris Larson, CPA, draft our first projected annual budget, 12/02
  • Tamara Wolfson, healing and culinary arts resource, 3/03
  • Tamera White drafts a press release for The LAB Shebang, 1/22/03
  • Volunteer Orientations, 9/4/02, 9/16/02, 9/22/02, 9/25/02, 4/14/03, 7/31/03
  • Jeffrey J Chang & Associates pro-bono non profit incorporation by Jeffrey T. Chow, Esq. and Victoria Tseng, Esq., 3/02-7/03
  • Marissa Kunz assists the Children’s Mural Program exhibition reception & telephones Bayview-Hunters Point parents to remind them to come, 4/18/03
  • Haidar Alssaqaf, bookkeeping, Michael Dovbish, business management, 7/03
  • Jennifer Cheek, guest artist consultant, Presidio Middle School, documentary photo presentation on children in Haiti and Cambodia, 7/23/03

Private lessons, pilot apprenticeships, internships, auditions:

  • William Scott begins apprenticeship w/ JV, 9/6/02
  • Lori Kossowsky begins coaching sessions w/ JV, 11/2/02
  • Dana Olney-Bell begins private lessons w/ JV, 12/26/02 and auditions for School of the Arts, San Francisco, Winter 2003
  • Leland Wolfson begins private lessons w/ JV, 4/15/03
  • Troy Byker, assistant, Alden Jenks LAB piece, Conservatory of Music, 3/03-5/03
  • Nathan Murray intern, Chinese American International School, 9/02-6/03
  • Christine Rice, Glide Office Support Skills Internship, 7/9/03
  • Steven Chin, assisting artist, Richmond District YMCA Art Mondays 7/23/03-8/11/03
  • Lisa Fox graphic design intern, Volunteer Match, 7/29/03
  • Emily Hughes, photography intern, San Francisco State University, 2/03
  • Rocio Avila, Yanina Aparicio, marketing interns, SF State University, 2/03,
  • Bonnie Kirkland begins work/study internship, Richmond District YMCA, 7/5/03

Field Trips:

  • Arts interventions gathering mark making from people in all walks of life for Coloring Sounds  & Postcards to People in Power, (city wide, tri-coastal and year-round)
  • Castro Street Fair – ArtSeed volunteers on behalf of Visual Aid, MK, 10/6/02
  • Mills College, Charles Shere talk, “Why I read Gertrude Stein,” MK, LK, JV, 11/24/02
  • Creativity Explored & Creative Growth, JV, W. Scott, L. Kamian, D. Scarritt
  • Beach Chalet, ArtSeed Holiday Thank You Lunch, 12/20/02
  • Lydia and Martin Titcomb’s Pacific Heights Home, 2/9/03
  • San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Fall 2002, Spring, Summer 2003
  • Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Fall 2002, Spring, Summer 2003
  • Palace of the Legion of Honor, Fall 2002, Spring, Summer 2003
  • Asian Art Museum, inauguration of education programs, 7/1/03
  • Hunters Point Open Studios, Oct. 26th & 27th 2002, May 3rd & 4th 2003
  • Photography Center, Harvey Milk Recreational Arts Building, 7/25/03
  • Temescal Lake, open air painting class, JV teaching, 7/26/03
  • Zeum, Rooftop Youth Arts Fair, ArtSeed “Creativity Fitness Station,” 8/30/03

SHEBANGS (events)

ArtSeed Exhibitions, Workshops, Awards and Public Outreach:

  • Internship Fair, San Francisco Art Institute, Marissa Kunz, 8/02
  • Merry Wives of Windsor, Stern Grove Opera, intermission continuation drawing station for audience members, JV, 8/4/02
  • Zen Ink Drawings with a Figurative Twist, Studio One Gallery, 10/02-11/02, JV class
  • Painters’ / Composers’ Pow Wow, The LAB, 9/18/02 & 9/23/02
  • Lydia Titcomb’s Shebang (First Board Development Event), 2/9/03
  • Hunters Point Open Studios Interactive Installation, 10/26 & 27 / 2002, 5/3 & 4 / 2003
  • Postcards to People in Power, Peace March, San Francisco, (marching, collecting, and mailing postcards) Claire Bane, William Scott & Josefa Vaughan, 2/16/03
  • Individual Artists Commissions (IAC) SFArts Commission Cultural Equity grant, JV
  • Coloring Sounds: Songlines for Seibert’s Pipes, Josefa Vaughan exhibition at The LAB benefiting and showcasing aspects of ArtSeed, 3/28/03-4/26/03
  • From Hand to Hand, panel discussion with David Hegarty, Raymond Holbert, Richard Felciano, Jeanne Foss, Charles Shere & Meredith Tromble, The LAB, 4/3/03
  • Flash! performances by William Klinglehoffer, Laetitia Sonami, Kinji Hayashi, Charles Boone, Chris Burns, Beau Casey, Alden Jenks & Artseed youth, The LAB, 4/10/03
  • Josefa Vaughan talk in Pamela Blotner’s class, University of San Francisco, 4/2/03
  • Exhibition walk-through talk for Pamela Blotner’s class, The LAB 4/8/02, JV
  • Malcom X Academy, Postcards to People in Power, workshop, JV & MK, 4/18/03
  • ArtSeed’s Fine Arts Summer Camp, Bayview Opera House, funded by the Shipyard Trust for the Arts, teaching artists: JV & Marissa Kunz; ArtSeed interns: Bonnie Kirkland, Baktash Sorkhabi, Monica Mercado, Stephanie Majia, weekdays 9am-5pm 8/8/03-8/18/03, with Burnett CDC students
  •  “Make Stuff” days, Josefa Vaughan’s 10/02; Laura Kamian’s 8/2/03

Group Exhibitions, Performances and Collaborative Public Works

  • “Brut Love,” Southern Exposure, William Scott, 8/30/02
  • Mission District postcard collecting, 8/20/02, and Treasure Hunt 9/7/02, Lise Swenson’s “Living Laboratory,” The LAB
  • 16th Annual Emeryville Celebration of the Arts 9/4/02 and Olive Hyde Art Gallery Exhibition 8/5/03, Laura Kamian
  • ArtSeed Performance, “Living Laboratory”, The LAB, 9/20/02
  • ArtSeed Installation, Lise Swenson’s “Living Laboratory”, The LAB, 9/12/02- 10/3/02
  • Graphic Arts Workshop at Meridian Gallery (JV) 11/7/02
  • Visual Aids Benefit Exhibition (JV and MK) 11/9/02
  • “No War,” The Luggage Store, Steven Chin, Charles Granich, 12/6/02
  • Poor Press book release party, Marissa Kunz, 2/23/03
  • School of the Arts, Graduate Exhibition, Dana Flores & Steven Chin, 6/03
  • Museum of Children’s Art, Oakland, Steven Chin, 1/12/03-2/7/03
  • Chung Nghai Lion Dancing, Steven Chin, year round
  • Richmond District YMCA Summer Camp, Presidio Middle School, web design class by Marissa Kunz, fine art and photography class by Josefa Vaughan 6/23/03-7/25/03
  • Zeum, Rooftop Youth Arts Fair, ArtSeed “Creativity Fitness Station,” 8/30/03
  • Regarding Here, Claire Bane mural, San Jose btwn. 24th & 25th Sts. 6/03-8/03

GRAPEVINES (organizations)

ArtSeed Website Related:

  • Bay Area Directory of Resources for Artists and Youth, (work in progress)
  • Updates to calendar of free arts events and professional opportunities


Seminars, Research, Partnerships and Outreach Contacts:

  • Small Business Development Center, Public Relations, JV & MK, 8/6/02
  • Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Society, American Guild of Organists, 9/02
  • Arts Providers Alliance Workshop, Content Standards for CA Public Schools, 9/02
  • San Francisco Foundation requests annual budget from ArtSeed, 11/02
  • Otherminds Castro Theater Festival, ushering/outreach LAB benefit, 11/02
  • Small Business Development Center, Business Writing, JV, 11/3/02
  • CA Lawyers for the Arts, Grantwriting, Laura Kamian, Ava Miedzinski 1/14/03
  • LEF Foundation, Jenée Misrage & Marion Green, 10/3/03
  • Chinese American International School, “Master Builders,” JV teaching, 9/02-6/03
  • Studio One, Oakland, “Strictly Oil Painting,” JV teaching, 9/02-6/03
  • Allison Wyckoff’s & Carol Harada’s creativity support/critique groups, JV, 9/02-6/03
  • Creative Growth Art Center meeting, Tom di Maria, JV, Edna. Arterberry, Diane. Scarritt, 3/03
  •  Bayview-Hunters Point Foundation, George Peterson, JV, 4/24/03
  • Richmond District YMCA “Art Mondays,” drop in studio & classes, JV, 6/23-7/25/03
  • Community Organizaton Representation Project, Practicing Law Institute, MK, 6/30/03
  • Asian Art Museum, Allison Wyckoff, Public Programs, JV & Coco Hall, 7/1/03
  • Tax exemption acquired: IRS, 501(c)(3) 7/2/03 and  State of California, 3/3/03
  • Shipyard Trust for the Arts funds ArtSeed camp, Kathleen McNamara, JV, 5/16/03
  • ArtSpan, “Making Your Art Your Business,” panel discussion, JV & LK, 6/3/03
  • Children’s Mural Program, JV & MK, Jan. 22 – April 18, 2003
  • Alice Art Center, CA Lawyers for the Arts, non profit seminar, JV, 6/14/03
  • Sun Micro Systems, Don Hunter, 7/26/03, SF Opera, Carol Weinstein, 8/21/03, JV
  • Music in the Schools Today, Gordon Getty & Meg Madden, JV, 3/03
  • SF State Univ., Frances Phillips, grant writing, Ava Miedzinski, 6/23/03-8/13/03
  • Cartoon Art Museum, Steven Chin, year round internship
  • San Francisco Art Institute, Pam Hyland, student services, 8/03
  • Alvarado Elementary School residency, Marissa Kunz, teaching, 9/03-5/04