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Power Portraits

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San Francisco’s Asian Art Museum
and ArtSeed presents

“Power Portraits”

Art Exhibition by Sherman Elementary School’s 5th Grade Artists from
room 312

Free Admission for all Sherman Families and Friends
Saturday, November 5, 2011, 2:00-5:00pm
4:00pm Special Reception in the Resource room in honor
of Sherman 5th grade artists

Sherman Elementary is the only school participating in this
project which is a part of the featured Maharaja Exhibit Opening Oct 21-April 8.
This is a fantastic opportunity for the Sherman 5th graders and a
huge honor.

Please join us on November 5 to celebrate the Sherman 5th
grade artists.

ArtSeed families and staff at Leola Havard CDC or Sherman Elementary Schools receive free tickets for the Sherman show and ArtSeed reception (Saturday, Nov 5, 2-5pm) at the Asian Art Museum. These tickets will be at the member’s entrance (which is next to the main entrance).

If you have any questions,
please contact the Sherman Art
teacher Ms. Marissa at

