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ArtSeed’s 2009 Earth Day Art-a-thon!

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Advance registration is preferred but we won’t turn anyone away. Sponsor yourself at the door!

What: ArtSeed’s Earth Day Art-a-thon – an art-making marathon fundraiser
When: April 18th, 2009, 10AM to 10PM (make art for as long as you can)
Where: Thoreau Center’s Acre Café, in the Presidio. 1013 Torney Ave, San Francisco, CA (map)

What is an Art-a-thon?
A marathon of creativity where participants are challenged to create as much art as possible for as long as they can last. Each hour, lead artists will give demonstrations in a wide variety of art media. Participants can partake of these workshops or create art on their own. A sampling of the work produced will be shown in ArtSeed’s spring exhibition at the Thoreau Center Gallery in May 2009.

How You Can Participate:
Be an Art-a-thoner: Sign up to test your artistic endurance and creative stamina while raising money for a good cause. Collect pledges from friends and family to support you through this artistic challenge. Funds raised support ArtSeed’s Studio Apprenticeship program based in Bayview Hunters Point which includes collaborative projects and sustained partnerships between a professional artist and a child.

Invite an Art World Luminary Friend
to come observe, speak, pose for drawings, or read/sign/sell books.

Be a Volunteer: There are many ways to help. Please contact us to join the fun.

Make a Pledge or Donation: Put a check in the mail; phone, fax or email us with your card info; bring these in person to the event or make a flat gift through our website at:

Pass It On
Forward this to anyone you know who might be interested in creating art, rubbing shoulders with fellow artists or supporting an amazing non-profit.

For participants:
Registration Fee: A $15 suggested donation is asked from registrants with the ability to pay. This will give them access to the entire day of art making, workshops, art supplies, refreshments, a raffle and prizes.

Collecting Pledges: Art-a-thon-ers will ask family and friends to pledge at least $1 per hour (or as much as they feel comfortable giving) for each hour that he or she creates art, or to pledge a single flat donation of any amount. This can be done through ArtSeed’s website at or with a pledge sheet (printed out and kept on your person for chance encounters with prospective donors) which will be returned to ArtSeed. During the event, the participant’s time will be clocked and ArtSeed will then redeem the pledges for the appropriate amount by sending your sponsors a description of your success.

Live Bands and Music at the Art-a-thon!

12PM Today Okay

2PM Todd Brozman, Jazz Keyboard

Evening OTIS, Con Brio and Blair

Hourly Workshops

  Workshop Description
T-shirt Stenciling

by Luned Palmer

(Also offered at 4PM and 8PM)

Come make your own custom Art-a-thon commemorative t-shirt! Stencils will be available for quick spray-on T-shirt designs, or create and cut your own. SHOW YOUR ART-A-THON GLORY ON YOUR SHIRT! Bring your own t-shirt for a better fit, or choose from our assortment.

About the Artist: Luned teaches art to pre-kindergarteners at Burnett Child Development Center and to high school students at Woodside International School. She got all fired up about stencils and murals this year intoxicated by the culture of teenagers and youth in San Francisco.

Dada: Negate and Create

by Ray Beldner


Dada was an art movement that arose from the revulsion to the barbarism of World War I and what they believed was an oppressive intellectual rigidity in both art and everyday society. Dadaists thought that reason and logic had led people into the horrors of war, so the only route to salvation was to reject logic and embrace anarchy and irrationality. Dada ignored aesthetics and strove to have no meaning.

In this activity, participants can work by themselves or in groups of two or three. Each person/group will get to choose an object from several I will provide in order to “negate” its meaning or function. They will have basic materials and tools on hand with which to complete their task.

The objective of this project is to encourage lateral thinking, collective action and cooperation. To suspend logic and rational thought. To understand how meaning is conditional and circumstantial.

About the Artist: Like many artists, Ray Beldner makes art from the stuff of everyday life: clothing, cash, found materials, dirt. The work takes the form of sculpture, installation, digital media, text-based work, and applied arts. It is frequently derived from conceptual ideas that deconstruct hierarchical systems “high art” versus “low art,” “intrinsic value” versus “commercial value,” and so on with ironic humor.

Born in San Francisco, Beldner received a BFA from the San Francisco Art Institute and an MFA from Mills College. He has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions both nationally and internationally and his work can be found in many public and private collections including the Federal Reserve Board, Washington D.C., the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Arizona, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, the Oakland Museum of California, and the San Jose Museum of Art.


Spray Paint Techniques

by Kyle Lee


Demonstration and Q & A about the use of spray paint and different techniques. After the instruction, participants are welcome to help spray paint a mural on Chris Treggiari’s Corner Store for the rest of the afternoon.
Mr./Ms. Tomato Head

by Catie O’Leary


Create a whimsical Ms. Tomato Head collage with copies of antique engravings – three legs, flower hair and flying fish -anything is possible. Every collage is a winner. Ms. Tomato Head is funny and creative. She uses texture, space, proportion, unity, and emphasis – all elements and principles of design as well as humor and creative thought.

About the Artist: Catie O’Leary is a collage artist and teacher living in the Bay Area.

Casting Class with Alginate and a Clay Technique

by Chris Treggiari


Learn a casting technique with alginate and plaster that would make a positive out of plaster. Participants may cast their hands or other small items.
Table Top Monotype: An Exploration into the Immediate and Multiple

by Karen Thomas


Come explore one of the many facets that printmaking has to offer! Be apart of this exciting exploration into Monotype. Create a unique print from rolling ink a surface and printing it. Take a chance and push conventional ideas of printmaking aside!

About the Artist: Karen Thomas is an artist originally from Austin Texas where she got her BFA. After obtaining her MFA at the San Francisco Art Institute she commits her life to making art and being active in the Art and Education world.

Oil Painting from the Figure
by Josefa Vaughan

and, concurrently


by Jack Fulton


Learn the importance of seeing large shapes while understanding basic anatomy in the application of oil paint, the most sensuous of all materials.

* * * *

Jack Fulton, distinguished artist and SFAI teacher, will bring about a dozen of his recent pieces to show and talk about.

Chance Procedures

by Charles Boone


This class will have to do with the idea that there are possibilities in art-making that reach beyond what might normally be dreamed up. The composer/visual artist/writer John Cage will be central to this discussion. Experiments will be made and finished work produced.

About the artist: Charles Boone is a composer whose work has been played by the San Francsco Symphony, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Chicago Symphony, and other ensembles in the U. S., Europe, and Asia. He is an Associate Professor at the San Francisco Art Institute where he works with painters, photographers, sculptors, filmmakers, and all other sorts of visual artists.

Clay Sculpture
by Chris Kanyusik


Chris will demonstrate how to build a proportionally correct clay head starting with a few simple shapes and then show ways of adding other facial details.

About the Artist: Chris Kanyusik is a ceramic artist located in the Bay Area.


Styrofoam Relief Print Making
by Marissa Kunz


Turn a simple drawing into a print.
T-shirt Stenciling

by Luned Palmer

(Also offered at 10AM and 4PM)

Come make your own custom Art-a-thon commemorative t-shirt! Stencils will be available for quick spray-on T-shirt designs, or create and cut your own. SHOW YOUR ART-A-THON GLORY ON YOUR SHIRT! Bring your own t-shirt for a better fit, or choose from our assortment.

About the Artist: Luned teaches art to pre-kindergarteners at Burnett Child Development Center and to high school students at Woodside International School. She got all fired up about stencils and murals this year intoxicated by the culture of teenagers and youth in San Francisco.



All Day & Multiple Hour Events

  Workshop Description
Mural Painting

by Brad Justice

11AM – 4PM

Group painting projects with lessons on various modern art movements. Drop in any time and jump in on a canvas!

About the Artist: Brad Justice is a bay area artist & teacher. He has had his work seen in galleries and several shows, and has also been teaching art and working with various non-profit groups. His current work emphasizes the use of mixed media, tho his work is in constant evolution and many times consecutive artworks often contain totally different styles, materials, and subject matter. Brad lives with his amazing partner, Dylan and their super groovy dog, Buddy, in the Sunset district of San Francisco.

Memory Mapping San Francisco

by Kim Cook

All Day Event

Memory has the ability to transform time and space. We choose the elements of experiences that we wish to preserve in our minds, and pass on to others. There is much gain that can be made by learning from the memories of others, much like learning from history. Many events go on that are undocumented except by the memory of observers. Memory Mapping San Francisco seeks to record significant memories of places. The compiled memories will be part of a map of San Francisco, as well as an archive that traces how people interact with a given space at a given time.

About the Artist: Kim Cook is a MFA student at San Francisco Art Institute. She is primarily concerned with creating temporary interventions in the public realm that encourage participants to share their opinions on a number of topics. Her projects are documented primarily through sound, video, and artist books.

Websites: Kim Cook, Memory Mapping San Francisco

Fairy Making

by Sydney Van Bueren, ArtSeed Apprentice


Figure Drawing

All Day Event

Take some time to practice drawing live (clothed) models in a variety of poses, or jump in and pose yourself.
Collage Table

All Day Event

Come create collages from provided materials! Work individually or with other artists to assemble pieces or artwork.
Corner Store

by Chris Treggiari

11AM -6PM

All participants are welcome to either sign the store or add an image to the Corner Store on Wheels as a memory of the event. In the weekends following the Art-a-thon, a selection of the work produced will be featured in a traveling exhibition around the city showcasing Artseed and the Art-a-thon.