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Art-a-thon 2014 recapp


(Many Art-a-thoners also put in hours of key volunteer time as noted with an asterisk*) Myriam Abramovici, Joseph Aponte*, Matthew J. Boriskin* (ArtSeed Board President and Art-a-thon Highest Donor), Deanna Chevas, Jeske D*., Charles “Trey” Houston, Alexander “Sasha” K., Jade K*., Dina K*., Allison Kraus, Marissa Kunz, Christine L., Caroline R. Liddell*, Jazmin L, Shiri Mordechay*, Luned Palmer, Andrew P*., Austin P*., John Scheib, Todd Standish*, Sydney V.B.*, Josefa Vaughan

VOLUNTEERS:  Tim Abeyta, Woo Baik, Charles Boone, Propser Chee, Oneida Chi, Maria Coomber, Amy Crumpacker, Marsha Felton, Roshni Goel, Don Gutierrez Gabriela Hofmeyer, Mary Hossfeld with Katie Urdan, Chizu Houston, Beverlyn Jackson, Kathryn Kain, Cody Keene, Jessica Kennedy, June Lee, Miriam Manda, Malcolm McAfee, Bryan Poli, Megumi Poli, Radka Pulliam, Lauren Reiterman, Barbra Richardson, Judith Schiff, Betsy Shafer, Wing Shum, Alexander Standish, Velvet Van Bueren, Maximilien Volckaert

PERFORMERS: The Mystic Troubadours, Jeske D., William Klingelhoffer, Patrick Maley, The Bruno Pelletier-Bacquaert Trio, Devon McClive, Sydney V.B.

IN-KIND DONORS: Another Café, Artisans of San Francisco, Artist & Craftsman Supply, Balboa Cafe-Plump Jack, Charles Boone, Amy Crumpacker, BearHug Blankets and Ymke Dioquino, A Child’s Delight, Cole Hardware, Eastside West Restaurant and Bar, Gabriela and John Hofmeyer, Grub, Hand Touch Nail Care, House of Bagels, Inn at the Presidio, Judy’s Café on Chestnut, La Boulange de Union, La Mediterranee, Lama’s Boutique, Mark Miyake, Photograph and Frame, Presidio Bowling Center, Starbucks, Twig Gallery of American Crafts, Walnut Cleaners

