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Year-End Exhibition Opening Reception


Click here to see the exhibition flyer.

Opening Reception, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday, June 8, 2017
Closing Reception, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, July 8, 2017

Artists and children make art in response to current events and their search for peace and happiness. Partners and featured artists include students of St Brigid School and San Francisco Montessori Academy, Louisse Bella, Susan Bostrom-Wong, Stacey Carter, Matthew Coats, Claudia Grubler, Marc Ellen Hamel, John Hammond, Heidi Hardin, Charles “Trey” Houston, Krista Kahl, Susanna Kohn, Angel Kubo, Jasmine Liang, Caroline Liddell, Brian Moore, Ann Reesman, Ana Rodriguez, Kinnari Saraiya, William Scott, Courtney Sparks, Mervin Thompson, Nikki Vismara, Patricia Warren, Nicolas Winstead and more. Co- curated by Gino Bella, Sabine Gysens, and Josefa Vaughan.

Where: 1007 General Kennedy Ave. , San Francisco CA 94129, Thoreau Center for Sustainability Hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by appointment
Easy parking, Accessible by MUNI 28, 30, 43, 41 and 45, Free shuttle (PresidioGo) Where:

See photos from last year’s exhibition.

For more information, contact, 612-978-3511 or, 415-656-9849.

   ArtSeed Fine Arts Summer Intensive
June 19 to 30, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For ages 6 to 19.

Individual portfolio and collaborative project-building workshop with teaching artists, guest presenters and adult volunteers culminating in an exhibition. For information about sliding scale tuition and scholarships call (612) 978-3511.

Week 1, June 19 to 23, ages 9 to 19,

Week 2, June 26 to 30, ages 6 to 19,
Prospective Week 3, July 17 to 21.
All days are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Artists and volunteers provide a high adult-to-youth ratio.
Where: 4301 Geary Blvd., San Francisco CA 94118 (enter at 7th Ave., 2nd floor, room #5). Click for directions.
Art-a-thon Shout Outs

Thank you for helping to make possible the Ninth Annual ArtSeed Art-a-thon! More than $8,000 was raised for scholarships for ArtSeed’s Apprenticeship Program and Fine Arts Summer Intensive! View photos from the event.
On Saturday, April 22, 2017 we made a variety of art at different stations during the ten-hour day. Art-a-thoners had a great time working to live music by Ellen Rosenthal and her band, Bruno Pelletier-Bacquaert Trio, Mike Balistreri, Raymond Coats, and Patrick Maley.Artists of all ages practiced drawing, painting, collage, Lego sculptures, printmaking, wood-carving and Tai Chi. Tremendous gratitude to our volunteers, especially Tim Abeyta, Myriam Abramovici, Oscar Arteta, Gino Bella & family, William Bicknell, Monique Albert Brown, Chris Chisnall, Claudia Grubler, Sabine Gysens, Pastor Caiti Hamilton, John Hammond, Trey Houston & family, Jewli Judd, Kinh Ngo-Lee and friends from SF Credit Union, Jasmine Liang, Caroline Liddell, Ann Reesman, Susan Rumsey, Kinnari Saraiya, John Scheib, Courtney Sparks, Jennifer Spencer, Maximilien Volckaert, Kimberly W hitney and Nicolas Winstead.

Heartfelt thanks to satellite ArtSeed artist Luned Palmer, who organized her own Art-a-thon in New York.

A special shout out to the top three fundraisers this year: Sabine Gysens (1st place), Josefa Vaughan (2nd place), and Luned Palmer (3rd place).

Thank you to our in-kind donors: Inn at the Presidio (Grand Prize), A Child’s Delight, Aaron Brothers, Artist & Craftsman, Cumaica Coffee, David’s Tea, Giorgio’s Pizzeria, Green Apple Books, House of Bagels, Park Life, Thorough Bread and Pastry, Quilt made by Caroline Liddell, Richmond Republic, Sessions at the Presidio Restaurant, San Francisco Credit Union, Starbucks, Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA, Terra Mia Ceramic Studio, Walnut Cleaners and Wee Scotty.

With your support, ArtSeed is able to forge new partnerships to engage new families in our upcoming summer programs and next year’s projects. Your gifts and efforts help create scholarships for ArtSeed’s Apprenticeship Program and Fine Arts Summer Intensive.

Come and see the results in ArtSeed’s Thoreau Center Exhibition: Marching Home: Valor, Freedom, and Stewardship as Paths to Peace. Opening Reception: 5 to 7 p.m., Thursday, June 8 and Closing Reception 3 to 5 p.m., Saturday, July 8, 2017.

We look forward to your continued involvement in

upcoming ArtSeed adventures! Big grateful hugs to you!